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Just got home

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Just got home

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    • #163598
      Tony (admin)

      12 hours exactly from Pasadena to my house, including a couple of stops for food and one drone flight. Long day.

    • #163602

      We just got back too. Felt like a longer drive today than on the way down.

      Thanks Tony for all your work here! Go Utes!

    • #163604
      Tony (admin)

      Oh, and some “supplies” at Lee’s in Mesquite…

      • #163644

        Made it back to Colorado last night…barely. Flight out of Burbank delayed 3 hours and had 10 minutes for the connecting flight.

        After running to another terminal and barely making it to the back of a Southwest flight, I ended up sitting next to a young guy from LA visiting a friend in Colorado. After confirming I was a Utah fan he told me he grew up, went to high school and was still friends with Micah Bernard. Said he is a really nice guy. Said Bernard always dreamed of going to USC (like most football players in LA) but obviously loves Utah!
        He also knew Clark Phillips, played pop Warner with him too but different high schools. Talked about the game and the spectacular plays both those guys had.

        I thought it was really fun and coincidental to end up next to him on a flight to Colorado Springs with zero Utah fans but me and my daughter. Great way to end the trip!

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