Keanu Tanuvasa

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    • #238887

      Just entered the transfer portal today.

    • #238888
      Tony (admin)

      This one hurts. Whoever posted this topic, please update your Ute Hub mobile app to the latest version, then log out and log back in! Thanks!

      • #238890

        I posted it Tony, my bad! Yeah, this one really hurts, especially if he decides to not come back.

    • #238891

      I audibly sighed. heavily.

    • #238893
      Jim Vanderhoof


    • #238894

      Yeah…. We’re going to struggle moving forward.

      Didn’t he just post a video that he’s staying????

      • #238899
        Jim Vanderhoof

        Money not culture or development matter. Recruiting pitch “ we have more money “. Changes are coming with Alabama and Ole Miss getting left out of the CFP. Super league is inevitable.

    • #238895
      Daren Oddenino

      Are some of these players just going in to use it as leverage to negotiate a better deal here?

      • #238896
        7 1

        They have agents… of course.

        At least I can finally be done with all this garbage and spend my time and money elsewhere.

    • #238897
      7 2

      Utah needs to find a mega donor or it’s going to continue to be a feeder school for other programs including byu which would be an absolute disaster for the program if they can’t even compete in their own state and conference

      • #238903

        not sure it’s worth it. Doggy dogg world out there where there is no loyalty anymore, and these players who once proudly claimed they were committed apparently had a sudden change of heart. The portal and NIL have ruined and are destroying college football to a point its not worth the time and effort to care anymore. For example, BYU paid a teenage $7 million to play basketball at BYU. Unless he gets them to the national championship and wins it, no teenager is worth that much money, with the exception of life or death situation, and saving a person’s life then its all worth it! I would rather invest that $7M and bring in other players who can contribute and help the team win.

        • #238923
          13 1

          The saying is “Dog eat dog” not doggy dogg.

          • #238929

            Please tell me someone else has seen this episode of Modern Family where they have this exact interaction😂

            • #238985

              Well, we all know what goes around is all around.

      • #238909

        We need Trevor Reilly and his Saudi connections for $$$$ 😂

    • #238898

      And the player buying continues. He announced he’s staying a while ago. We even had a thread on it. The big boys are coming after our roster hard, with offers they can’t refuse. I despise this. 😫

    • #238901

      The lawless transfer portal and NIL has ruined everything that made college football great. Hard to blame someone for seeking more money (assuming that’s why he’s doing this), but posting the most passionate “I’m staying” post of the entire offseason and then doing this 2 weeks later is a terrible look. I still have faith in the coaching staff to get us where we need to be but this is going to be a big hole to fill.

      • #238910
        15 1

        Given how he posted that video, I wish him nothing failure from here on out.

        I don’t give a s**t and yes, I’m petty. Don’t post videos like that and then do this. He’s a coward and shows he has zero character or integrity. Especially with his BS scriptures.

        He’s Judas.

        • #238911
          Rick Walker

          Yeah anyone that posts or claims they’re staying and then doesn’t… well they’re a loser.

        • #238925
          5 5

          What I’ve learned doing business around the country and especially in Utah:

          If they talk about their Jesus or scriptures or have “light the world” bulls**t or scriptures posted around…

          Those are the snakes. Those are the ones that are in it for themselves and while they may do the job you pay them to do, it will be bare minimum and they will always come back and try to get more out of you.

          Major red flags. Anyone who uses religion in any sort of outward projection. There is a reason why Jesus condemned those people. Major red flag.

          • #238928


          • #238931

            Absolutely. The people who openly post on social media about scriptures and religion are often using it as a shield for criticism, as a facade for being a good person, and to feign moral superiority. Doesn’t mean all religious people are bad by any means, but the genuinely good religious people usually don’t spout their beliefs online and then act differently in real life.

    • #238902

      I get the argument “if another company offers you more money, you are leaving.”

      But man, as a fan it freaking sucks and I don’t like it. Even professional leagues have salary caps.

      • #238932

        I don’t know how this works. Can another school contact athletes that are not in the portal and make offers? Can an athlete contact other schools to gain an offer without entering the portal? Oddly, this only gets under control when the schools with the most money become convinced it needs control.

    • #238904

      I also believe there is a lot of shady stuff going on behind the scenes from other schools taking our players, especially that school down south. that school wants to destroy Utah’s program and I believe will steal our players before they go anywhere else to pouch players. I could be wrong, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up at BYU.

    • #238913

      I want to know if this was the fallout from the offense getting all the NiL money.

      How much did we throw at Dempier and Wilson, the RBs, etc…All while the defense carried the team last year..

      I can see Keanu being p**sed if he was given chump change, while a RB with 126 yards was given money to come here…

      This is the eventual fallout of money and it is shown in every facet of life.

      We drastically needs salary caps and position/starter expectations.

    • #238914

      Didn’t Tanuvasa talk sh!t about Calhoun for leaving for money. I guess we all have our number where loyalty no longer matters.

    • #238915
      Holladay Ute

      Brutal. This makes it hard to be a fan of college sports.

      • #238916

        I really hope we start seeing fans push back and stop attending all together.

        No fan fest, empty stadiums, all of it.

        This is pure s**t 💩

        So glad I dropped my season tickets and I k ow for a Fact that college kids are p**sed about it all also. My kid attends the U and they are all having conversations on campus about not getting MUSS tickets because of all
        Of this…

    • #238917

      this is just messed up. Recruit can commit to a school then signed with the other the next day; current play posted on social media promising to stay then entered the portal. I don’t know what to believe any more.

      • #238924

        Until some kind of rules are put in place, I don’t know why I, as a fan, should really take much of an interest any longer. I hate to be that guy, but the roster shuffling along with the greed is really killing my interest.

    • #238926

      Does anyone on the roster even matter until game day when the season kicks off on Aug 30? Even then, players quite mid season.

      I can’t imagine how frustrating this is for coaches. This is the new age of college football. The best way to protest is to not watch or buy tickets.

    • #238927

      Like I said earlier, I’ll never fault someone for taking care of themselves. And the system sucks.

      But f**k em. I don’t have to like them either. Especially this kid. 3 star kid, not a star. Goes on a mission. Most schools tell kids like this to f**k off. Utah doesn’t. Stays in contact. Works with him. Has a system in place to get his body right after his mission. Coaches him up. Feeds him.

      And then as soon as he has success he tells the world it’s all on him and he deserves to get paid.

      F**k off with that. You ain’t paid for s**t, and you’ve been babied your whole career at Utah and as soon as Utah’s investment is going to pay off, you leave?

      Nah. F**k off. What a lack of integrity.

    • #238930

      It’s over. I’ve been as optimistic a fan as there is over the years. The Power conference roster we’ve built over the last 15 years is being reduced to a G5 roster piece by piece. Wake me when all the dust settles and we’re either in or out of the club. If we’re out, so am I. If we’re in, I’ll be a slightly more than casual fan that will lean more to the NFL. If you have two pro leagues to watch, I’m going to lean towards the one that has a better on-field product, and in this case, it’s not even close. College football as we knew it is totally dead and is never coming back. Greed usually ruins everything nice in the end.

    • #238933

      I’m sorry, but if I make a commitment to a company and then another comes along and offers me more, I DO NOT chase the money, especially if I publicly announce I am committed to the current company. This is a total lack of integrity. I hope these kids read this HUB and see what the fans think of their so-called commitment.

    • #238934

      I am pretty sure he will end up at USC. They just lost Bear Alexander to Oregon and have a huge hole to fill and a lot more cash than we have. My question is what is Tanuvasa going to do at another school where they need to compensate him for the use of his name, image, or likeness? What is he going to be doing to earn the money? NIL has quickly just become pay to play. College football is a professional farm team. The NFL is the majors, P4 is triple A, P5 is double A, etc. They are not paying these kids based on the use of their name, image and likeness for things like marketing campaigns, endorsements, etc. I bet Tanuvasa will do absolutely NOTHING besides play football to “earn” his money. That goes well beyond the intent of the judges ruling and it needs to be reigned in now before it becomes established precedence.

      • #238936

        Agree 1000%

        I hope the IRS comes down HARD and I also want the universities to charge them for all medical services, food, room & board and tuition… let them see the dollar value they all spit on…..

        2 years of all of that should be close to 200K

        • #238947
          The Miami Ute

          I would agree with all that, especially the IRS part. You have to believe that somewhere soon down the line, the IRS will take an interest in all of these “kids” making hundreds of thousands of dollars. How much do you want to make a bet that quite a few of these guys, a lot of which have probably never had a job except for sports in their lives, are blowing off their fiduciary responsibilities?

          • #238957

            The IRS is already lining up for this. I also expect a huge chunk of money to suddenly dry up when the “donations” are no longer considered a charitable. NIL collectives are already considered for-profit by the IRS. It just takes time for all of that to flow through.

            • #238962
              The Miami Ute

              Yeap, let me give some money away without it being a tax deduction said no millionaire ever.

    • #238948
      The Miami Ute

      The problem with comparing college athletes with salaried employees of any industry, is that no one pays money to watch the salaried employees go about their business. In addition, sports in general don’t contribute anything tangible or of intrinsic value to society. In that sense, athletes are more akin to entertainers (singers, actors, comedians, etc..) in that their value is completely based on the number of eyeballs that they bring in. Just look at all of the sports that don’t have many followers or adherents and see what type of lifestyle those athletes have. Quite eye-opening, that. My point is that without us, the fans, all of these guys getting millions of dollars as college athletes will be relegated to ignominy like guys playing college lacrosse or rugby are now. If we the fans, as a collective, decide to shun college football or basketball, then current college football players will be like workers during the Depression going from place to place and saying “brother, can you spare a dime.”

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