Kentwool to Sponsor 2019 Predict the Score

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Kentwool to Sponsor 2019 Predict the Score

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    • #99394
      Tony (admin)

      Woot! I just finalized arrangements with Kentwool to sponsor this year’s Utah Football weekly Predict the Score contest! Each weekly winner will get a pair of Game Day socks in Utah colors!

      Kentwool makes the best socks in the world. They are all I wear. Not kidding. Their socks range from $20-30 a PAIR. They’re changing out some colors but have set aside stock in Utah colors just for our contest.

    • #99416

      No joke….  I won these from the predict a score a couple years ago and they really are the best socks I have ever had! 

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