The one thing I disagreed with the video on was that kick off returns for TD are boring. I really like the kick off return for a TD. However, they are so far and few between and every other other kick off is so exteremly boring. He is dead on about that.
I would also love to see the Schiano proposal. I heard it before and wondered why it didn’t get more attention.
Funny. I was at the Colorado game for the back to back Reggie Dunn returns. Meaningless game but don’t get to go to many anymore and was a very fun game to watch. Wouldn’t have won without Reggie
In the NFL the touchback is over utilized by the kicking team. Football outsiders or one of the analytical services did analysis indicating the “mortar kick” should be utilized more often – that is where the kicker kicks it extra high but a little shorter ensuring the kick returner will not be able to take a touch back. Mortar kicks in the NFL have a preponderance of very short returns like to the 15 yard line. I wonder if it would be similar in college??