Kuithe injury

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    • #232447

      Whit was saying Kuithe got tackled from behind ? I thought he just went down with a no contact play.

      Did anyone see the play or have a video when he got hurt.

    • #232462

      The broadcast angles don’t show it. Seeing it live I thought it was non contact but i am in the NEZ and it happened toward the south – 0 for byu was right there and stumbles with him

    • #232559

      Watch #0’s arms. He pulls Kuithe down on this route – which would be defensive holding.


      • #232563
        2008 National Champ

        Not to mention that it also looks like a horsecollar on Kuithe with multiple holds on the other receivers.

      • #233153

        Also note that the contact that took him to the ground began long before the pass was thrown which clearly is a hold at the least. Kuithe had been on the ground for a bit before the ball entered the frame. A guess is the contact high helped him down but I suspect that stepping on his ankle was more likely to cause the injury.

    • #232565

      wow, talk about missed call…pretty obvious.

    • #232570

      Total bummer. Glad Kuithe got the opportunity to play again at Utah, he showed solid leadership during obscurity that bodes well for future life challenges. Depending on the extent of his injury, Kuithe still has a shot in the NFL. Probably a silver lining he’s exiting the sh&@ show program now as its only going to get worse over the next few weeks.

      On the no call. I don’t know man, it’s football, probably a penalty if the ball was thrown to him. On the same play, its irritating Utah’s QBs are incapable at times throwing simple in routes to open receivers. There’s so much wrong with the leadership of Utah football I am numb to all the excuses for bad football. Season needs to end.

      • #232579
        2008 National Champ

        Unfortunately, Kuithe bet on himself and lost. His peak marketability was coming out after the 2021 season and catching on with a team that utilizes a tweener TE/WR as a mid to late round pick. Instead he came back to an OC who has tried to make him into a bigger, slower version of Britain Covey and has played the equivalent of one season out of the last 3. I just don’t see him catching on with anyone, especially since the most optimistic recovery time for another ACL would be after combine (which he won’t get invited to) and pro days.

        • #232582

          It also seems apparent that recovery isn’t in his blood. It’s a heartbreaker to see. When Kincaid made a big splash the other year I told everybody the same thing, “he’s not even the best TE on our roster”. But at his size, Kuithe was never NFL material even if he wasn’t made of uncooked ramen noodle bricks

        • #233154

          Even more unfortunately, his brother Blake was his equal and took medical retirement from football due to injury I think his freshman year. With him as a DE we should have almost always had a Kuithe on the field. A great deal of talent from Katy Tx that did not make it past the injury bug.

    • #233031

      If you watch this it’s pretty clear that Kuithe was tackled and robbed and didn’t just plant and immediately start hopping. The db should be charged with 1st degree murder, man that looks malicious.

      • #233147

        I disagree. ALthough there is definitely some contact pre-limp, the limp comes after he plants on the left foot to change direction. The contact prior does not look malicious. Nor does the subsequent contact where Kuithe goes down. It looks like Kuithe collapsed from the injury on the change of direction and the defender does not expect the sudden slowdown and collapse, so there is more contact.

        I blame this injury on turf/shoes/pre-existing conditions.

    • #233157

      The first part of the contact simply looked like a push from behind which is illegal contact. The clip does not show the second half of the contact. The limp was after contact but I can’t be sure that is the single issue with the play since he leaves the frame continuing to run. Very likely the pre-existing condition made him more venerable to contact but the contact clearly was not legal.

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