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Kuithe on radio knew at least 2 hours before game time

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Kuithe on radio knew at least 2 hours before game time

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    • #177070
      UofU Fanatic

      On espn700 he mentioned how he knew all week long that Cam wasn’t going to play.  When Bill asked to verify what he meant he mentioned that he knew at least 2 hours prior to kickoff.  

      It is funny to me if that’s true with the whole Fox vs Whitt not saying anything frustrations.  Of course this could just be his hunches but it sure sounded like he knew at the minimum hours prior to game time

    • #177073
      Warrior Ute

      When I was listening to the interview, I thought about the previous interview with Cam. Cam said that some people who wouldn’t have been able to go were likely going to be ready to go because of the bye week. 

      I didn’t think about the fact that he had been seen wearing a sleeve on his knee and was likely talking about himself. 

      I wonder if already being out helped Kuithe have better insight into how well Cam was actually healing and when he would be ready to go. 

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