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    • #122861
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      After a great weekend for Utah sports as I was watching the NFL draft, I turned on the TV last night to watch a re-cap on Talking Sports on KUTV News.  Much to my surprise, the lead story was Taysom Hill and his backkup quarterback contract, and an extended story about Zach Wilson and the news worthy information that he is anxious to get started.  This story could be run anytime in the next two months. 

      On Saturday, Jerry Freaking Jones was talking to a Ute player on national TV.  That is News!  I will never watch KUTV again! The shamless pandering is embarassing!  Call the FCC and pull their license and start over.  Why is KUTV/1280 the zone so bad.  I think they even had a story on Joe Ingles (who seems like a good guy) discovering he is Australian!  I’m mad as “heck”, and I’m not going to take it any more! No more KUTV news.  

    • #122862

      The day we got invited to the Pac12, ESPN interviewed Dick Harmon to get his take.  Dick Harmon should have refused the interview due to a conflict of interest.  We all knew how this was going to go over in the local media.  They have to pander to retain viewership and that’s OK, but just realize that there are so many better outlets to get news about our Utes now.  We’re not reliant on the local media and that’s a good thing because they’re all about doing “puff” pieces that rarely give us any info that we don’t already know.  Personally, I like to get my info from UteHub, Podcast of Champions, the crew at the Pac12 Channel, San Jose Mercury News, Bill Riley, The Oregonian, UteZone, Reddit and other national outlets.  I feel like I get a truer picture of where our program is at.  I know it’s popular to call our local media a bunch of hacks, but really, they’re a bunch of hacks.

      • #122864
        Tony (admin)

        Yeah. I haven’t watched any “local” news in decades. 

      • #122875

        I remember that Dick Harmon interview.  When asked about Utah’s invitation, he said we only got invited because we “were not BYU and….not tied to the Mormon church“.  So according to Dick, those were our only 2 qualifications.  And never mind how literally EVERY other FBS program in the country meets those presumed “key metrics” as well.  When challenged by ESPN as to whether or not Utah’s 2 BCS bowl wins and top midmajor record vs. other AQ schools had anything to do with it, he’d briefly admitted that this had a LITTLE to do with it, but then doubled down on his “religious bigotry” allegation.

        The tdS deserves EVERY BIT of their program’s decline.  No final AP rankings in a decade.  No CFP poll appearances EVER!  Fewer draftees this past decade than Utah this past draft.  And less than HALF the number of draftees as Utah St this past decade.  They’re losing to MAC teams.  They’re struggling vs. the Aggies.  They’re claiming to have a huge national following, but can’t even fill LES, and have been relegated to scheduling filler programs like Wagner and Savannah St.  They don’t even have the top “midmajor” draw in the Nielsen Ratings.  Last year they’d finished 5th — behind Memphis (17.9M), Navy (14.5M), Cincinnati (13.5M), and Army (12.6M).  At under 11.3 million viewers, the tdS just narrowly edged Houston (11M). 


        [*Utah had over 21.9M viewers*]

        • #122879

          Great post Philly!

          Take it easy on them though. They ARE the mascot national champs after all.

      • #122890

        The Saints signed Jameis Winston because they dont think Taysom can legitimately fill in if Brees gets hurt

    • #122867

      Agree, the only credible local Utah media are Bartle, Kamrani, Kall700 crew, local podcasts, and the P12 Network crew, others I am missing on Twitter and of course Utehub :). Utah local TV and newspaper journalists on the ground in Utah get paid to keep the Utah-BYU rivalry intact maintaining viewership to appease advertising dollars. It’s a business model, I get it, it’s just not attractive to me as a fan. Unfortunately it still sells with so many Utah fans and the UofU still connected to BYU. By and large, there are so many more intelligent, educated Utah football options for Utah fans now more than ever before providing in depth insight to the program. Best part is BYU is only on topic one week of the year and rarely if it at all mentioned unless there is a transfer or other news worthy discussion. Go Utes!

    • #122868

      All you need to know is that PK inevitably shows up on the Sunday NIght KUTV Sports, and you have all the reason you need to tune the dial elsewhere – permanently!


      1280 has shows hosted by Pk and Monson – again, no need to tune in either.

    • #122873

      Hill’s contract extension is at least somewhat news-worthy, but babbling on and on about Zach Wilson (rather than focus on local players drafted in the last few days) is a bit ridiculous.



      • #122891

        His contract was because they like what he can do as a utility player. But local media insisted it was because the Saints think he is a franchise QB. Meanwhile, when Brees missed games last year and they chose Teddy Bridgewater to replace him

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