Larry Kryskowiak Presser

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    • #7964

      If you didn’t catch the Larry Kryskowiak press conference today, it’s a must listen (over at ESPN 700).

      “Part of it is protecting myself from myself.”

      I figured that was probably the main reason and here’s why. Last year at the Utah vs USC game in the Galen Center, Kryskowiak got into a VERY HEATED EXCHANGE with USC Coach, Andy Enfield. Enfield was up in front of the scorers table jawing with the refs about something. Kryskowiak took note, and came in snarling and growling like an angry bear and chased Enfield back to his bench with his tale between his legs. It actually was somewhat scary how quickly it escalated an how verbally violent it was. Even the USC announcer, Petros Papadakis, covered it on his local radio show the following Monday and used the word “scary”.

      Point being, I’ve seen first hand that Kryskowiak is more than capable of responding even retaliating. We know that BYU’s Emery (Dave Rose standing alongside) was yelling at Kryskowiak to “stay the F on his bench.” Larry knew then and there that this had the potential of escalating into something ugly and he did not want to go there, nor take his players there. Larry made the decision to cool down the rivalry and reportedly paid the $80K game cancellation fee himself, with the support of AD Chris Hill. IMO Larry Kryskowiak just reached LEGENDARY BROMANCE STATUS. His players will do anything for him and Utah fans should do the same.

    • #7965
      Tony (admin)

      I didn’t get to hear it at work. Wonder if there’s a link?

      Of course the zoobs are making this out to be K running and hiding. Funny thing is, why would he run and hide from a team he’s beaten handily several years in a row now?

    • #7967
      Tony (admin)

      Thanks for the link @westslopecutthroat I’ll listen later tonight.

    • #7968

      The tears of zoob nation are simply delicious. Idiot zoobs keep bringing up a slap a few years ago on Emery’s older brother as if it somehow justifies little brothers actions. And let’s not forget the ‘scratches’ on little bro’s neck which obviously Taylor made though I’ve never seen anything on video to prove it?

      Coach called the rivalry “toxic” and I can’t disagree with him even going further in saying, TDS is toxic period!

      I really hope, in fact praying to Zeus, that other teams start avoiding, cancelling games with the TDS. Couldn’t happen to a better program haha.

      But hey, that call from the Big XII is only minutes away. One idiot zoob said something along the lines of, “if TDS was in the Big XII, this game would never be cancelled”, yeah but you’re not in the Big XII Einstein and it doesn’t look like you will be in the foreseeable future.

      Zoob theatre is so tragic, even legislation might be made to make Utah play the TDS? Are you frikkin kidding me?

      Btw, anyone see that Wolf-zoob that was spouting off before the LVB? Typical zoob asshat!

      GO UTES!

    • #7970

      I really liked when he talked about that. I posted my thoughts of UFN last week about that. Larry grew up in an abusive home and knows he runs pretty hot, he also knows the BYU game and incidents like that bring negative energy to his locker room and practices that he and his team don’t need. His team has bigger fish to fry than dealing with the negativity be emotions and frustration that come from playing BYU, and he made a choice to do what he could to remove himself and his team until people can wrap their brains around the fact that bad behavior is unacceptable.

      I know we don’t need to play them and maybe we’d be better off never playing them again, but part of me wants the game to be a fun spirited event that folks can enjoy, but that doesn’t have so much craziness to it. Maybe that’s impossible.

      Anyway. I applaud him for making an unpopular call and putting his money where his mouth is. Hopefully some good will come from it.

    • #7971
      Tony (admin)

      he made a choice to do what he could to remove himself and his team until people can wrap their brains around the fact that bad behavior is unacceptable.

      Ding ding ding.

    • #7972

      I can totally relate to what Larry Kryskowiak did, which is part of the reason why I posted this. I too have a tendency to want to retaliate. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I have too much in the way of assets to do so. Simply put, I’m a walking litigation target and so would be Larry Kryskowiak if he had a Woody Hayes moment and popped a Nick Emery who was yelling profanities at him. Simply put, Larry Kryskowiak has too much to lose, so why put himself at risk.

      I had an incident playing water polo my senior year in HS. New head coach who was bad (lasted one season). League opponent took a cheap shot at me and broke my nose. I continued to play until the ref halted the game because of all the blood. I was then pulled out of the game and sent to the locker room to stop the bleeding (myself). I was the leading scorer for the team and when I returned it was a one point game. Back in I went. We won and as we swam to our respective sides after the final buzzer, I popped my assaulter in the face and then quickly exited.

      I never started another game in high school. Team went from a CIF Semifinalist with myself as one of the leading scorers during my junior year, to a first round CIF loss my senior year. I didn’t even go to the awards banquet. They had a gag gift for me, the cap from the guy I popped. I threw it away. I went on to play in college at CSUF.

      Bottomline, the retaliation was not worth it. I totally respect Larry Kryskowiak for the decision he made. Better to avoid an escalating situation than to respond to it. Such decision making only comes from wisdom and maturity earned from age. Larry is setting a great example for his kids and I have no doubt they will play their hearts out for him. I know I would.

    • #7980

      I’ve been a Utah fan for 29 years now and have always enjoyed having the rivalry game as it’s essentially bragging rights for fans. 3 years in a row for Basketball and 5 in a row for Football has never been sweeter. But i’m getting extremely tired of the TDS, especially with the cancellation of this game which I have no problem with. The fans of TDS are getting extremely agitated and furious about us cancelling the games, even calling Coach K out by sending him a letter. They are the only ones that need this game, the rest of us don’t. They say that the game is not toxic but when the fans are attacking our coaches, AD, fans, etc., through Twitter and other social media you can actually see the toxicity in the game. Good Riddance TDS!

    • #7983
      Tony (admin)


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