Whoa. Nice dramatic twist Luke. Crazy. So, do you think Luke has the old “Batman created all these crazy villians, if we can get rid of Batman we can get rid of the villians” moment?
Fun stuff. So cool. The space fight scenes are crazy.
Side note: my daughter (8) just watched A New Hope for the first time today. Towards the end, she tells me “Dad, Princess Leia is seriously in charge. That’s AWESOME!”
Thank you, Carrie Fisher, for inspiring yet another generation of girls to be bad-ass leaders.
That’s awesome. My little girl saw women’s college basketball as I was channel surfing. She asked me, “why are those basketball players wearing pink?” I turned the channel back and she found out that they were girls and she loved it. I have watched SSSOOOO much women’s basketball this year. It’s been awful…and awesome.
I made her wait until she was 8. Partly because she’s a little sensitive to scary things in movies (which is odd, as she’s otherwise fearless), and partly because I wasn’t sure she’d really understand it. Outside of pew-pew and funny aliens, anyways.
She turned 8 on March 18 and was literally asking me every day since then. Lol