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Let me tell you just one story about John Canzano

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Let me tell you just one story about John Canzano

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    • #199452

      I live in Portland where Canzon lives and works. His radio show used to have the prime “drive home from work” spot at 4 until his “viewership” died out. I have countless stories about him and his baseless clickbate stories. I’ll tell just one that sticks out.

      The Trailblazers picked Greg Odom over Kevin Durant as the #1 pick many years ago. It goes without saying that Greg didn’t pan out. The City was pretty frustrated with the Odom after a few months. Canzano knew this and saw a great opportunity to pounce. On his show, before the 7pm game, he quoted “unnamed, reliable sources” that Odom had a head cold and would be sitting out the game that night. He raged on Odom for his entire three hour show. It got personal. He called out his integrity. Called him lazy. How dare he sit out with a little head cold?! He’s a major flop that doesn’t have the drive!! Etc. etc.

      Well, you can guess what happened. Odom played that night and had a decent game. The next day, Canzano makes no mention of his rant the previous day. No apology. Nothing.

      This is his schtick. He embellishes all of the time. Often lies. Always quoting unnamed sources. Put simply, he’s full of sh@t. The more outlandish his story, the more people listen. That’s how he’s made a living. I haven’t read the article that was posted earlier today. I refuse to. There may be some truth to it. Certainly, it isn’t all true. My point, look at the source before making a judgment.

      Off my soap box now. Good day.

    • #199454
      5 3

      It’s pretty well known that Canzano is the mouthpiece for Oregon State’s AD.

      Look, it sucks the P12 is dead. But the reality is, every team is fine but OSU and WSU.

      And you know what? They shouldn’t be P5 teams. They aren’t P5 programs. And yet, because of teams like this, Utah was held out for so long.

      So forgive me if I don’t feel bad for OSU or WSU.

      Maybe next time, do better.

      But for now, we will continue to see them blame everybody around them for their s**tty situation.

      • #199456

        I have to say it again. USfingC is responsible.

    • #199458

      Sounds like every member of sports media that I have ever encountered at some point in my life.

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