Utah @  BYU

Liberty out, BYU vs Coastal Carolina happening.

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo Liberty out, BYU vs Coastal Carolina happening.

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    • #133455

      Looks like BYU is going to play a ranked directional team finally.

    • #133456
    • #133463

      I think there is a strategy here.  Chances of success are greater staying with oponents in the G5 rather than playing up with a P5 game.  At this point it is better to remain undefeated than to risk ending their season with a loss.  The lack of playing a significant game in 84 has never diminished their claim so their is a winning formula there.

      • #133470

        Correct you are Charlie.  This is a clear attempt by both ybU-p and CCU to game the system.

        For ybU-p, they’ll get to play a “ranked” team…..who really only acquired their ranking the same way ybU-p did:  by playing weak SOS, then backing in to the ranking above them when a REAL team played a REAL opponent, and lost.  The tdS is looking for “relevance”, but doesn’t want to actually “earn” it by playing a “Washington” or a “Colorado” to prove their worth.  So they’re looking for a weak team who’d been granted the illusion of “Top-25” caliber.

        For CCU, they have no shot at a NY6 bowl, as that game will be going to Cincy.  So by playing ybU-p, they have a chance at “upsetting a Top-15 team”….when in fact, all they’d REALLY done was beat a weak SOS midmajor who hadn’t played anyone either.

        My prediction is that ybU-p wins this one.  They’d been practicing for CCU since Tuesday, whereas all of CCU’s practices had been pointed toward Liberty.  They’ll really only get today and tomorrow to prepare, and I don’t know how much “scheming” the CCU coaches would have prepared by this afternoon.

        I also predict the zoobs will try to run up the score, because they think that gives them “style points”, but in reality, all it does is make them look classless, plus it makes their opponent look unworthy of a ranking, whereby they’ll fall all the way out of the polls, and all the tdS will have on their resume is another win over an unranked team.

    • #133467

      They must be jockeying for a top 12 position so they can get a NY6 bowl.  I think this is a decent strategy, but really I think all they’re doing is eliminating another mid-major with a bad schedule.  The risk/reward on this one doesn’t seem to make sense, but you can say that about a lot of things down there.

    • #133476

      A clash of the titans!

      • #133477

        One of only two clashes of Top 25 teams on the docket this week

        • #133489

          Gameday will be there. The Y really stumbled bass-ackward into the spotlight.

      • #133479

        You know what’s hilarious about this matchup is that coug-homer Dick Harmon wrote an article in the DNews where he said, “Cougars got what they wanted”, while fellow coug-homer Ryan McDonald wrote “Who is Coastal Carolina?”  And THAT really fairly sums up the state of the indy-WACers program:  The tdS now gets excited about playing teams that their own homer sportswriters are asking, “Uh….who?”

    • #133483
      Tony (admin)

      I’d never even heard of Coastal Carolina until like two days ago.

      • #133490

        Didn’t we lose to them in Basketball last year

      • #133507

        College sports nerds are rolling their eyes.

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