Utah @  Oklahoma State

Login/Logout Issues? Please report

Welcome Cowboy Fans Forums Ute Hub Site Comments and Suggestions Login/Logout Issues? Please report

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    • #7364
      Tony (admin)

      I’ve had three people report strangeness in thinking they are logged in when they are not. If you go to a page, say the Football forum and you are not logged in, then go to another page which you do login on, then hit the “back” key on your keyboard. The site will think you are not logged in on that page unless you refresh your browser.

      Otherwise if you are having login/logout issues let me know exactly how to reproduce the issue, and what browser/operating system you are on, and I’ll try to fix whatever problem exists.

      Thanks and GO UTES.

    • #7368

      Don’t worry about fixing anything, I’ll just remember not to use the back arrow, it’s a good practice anyway.

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