BYU @  Utah

Major Database Upgrade Complete

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site Major Database Upgrade Complete

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  • Author
    • #138576
      Tony (admin)

      I just performed a major database upgrade. As I knock on wood and throw salt over my shoulder doing a cross, it seems to be working. Please let me know if you run into any errors or problems with the site. This upgrade will hopefully help a bit with performance, especially when traffic is high.

    • #138581
      Ute Dub

      Performance seems good. Every time I log in I get an erection for 4+ hours, is that normal?

    • #138589

      Darn, I will miss the days of being able to know if something big was happening in the Ute fan world simply by attempting to visit this site.

      Site doesn’t work no matter how many times you try, or how long you wait = big thing happening (some good, some bad).

      Site works like a charm = nothing to talk about.


      • #138590
        Tony (admin)

        Yeah I’m trying to figure out how to resolve that issue. This is a step in that direction. Ultimately I think it is going to mean changing some things on the design. It’s hard because you can’t really simulate the situation.

        • #138601

          Let me know when you’re ready to test…I’ll post one of those vague tweets for you.

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