Maybe if the DNC and Hillary had Focused on Voters….
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- This topic has 21 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by
Puget Ute.
InactiveInstead of Bird Dogging Trump….she could have won?
On second though, nah. She was simply not electable.
ParticipantYou realize the election is over, right?
ParticipantForget it he’s on a roll. Or gloating or both
Inactive -
ParticipantIt doesn’t seem like Trump realizes it.
ParticipantShe and the DNC romneyed the election. Trump’s approval rating continues to drop each time he opens his piehole Vegas has set odds thst he doesn’t finish more than two years of his term. I think they’re right. He will either quit or do something egregious enough to get impeached
none of that changes the fact that republicans are actually going to have to govern instead of being the obstructionist they’ve been for the last eight years
ParticipantAnd I honestly thought the GOP had used the last 8 years to craft core elements to meaningful, appropriate legislation for equitable tax reform and less flawed affordable health care for the masses, all the while they voted 52 times to repeal the ACA, held up by a Supreme Court mind you, conducted 11 investigations to no avail on HRC emails, presided over two USG shutdowns, and frustrated every presidential nominee for any post.
I was wrong. They simply collected a royal paycheck with benefits we can only dream about and have nothing to show for it, except to obstruct, as President Trump has just learned.
Even now, the GOP is bereft of ideas, they can only dismantle legislation meant to protect the environment, and individual rights and benefits, in favor of corporate interests in the name of “freedom”. Nothing new or constructive.
Puget Ute
ParticipantHillary was the prototypical Republican in this race.
The problem is the Democrats (as led by their leadership) have run so far to the right since Bill Clinton ran in the early 90s, that most of the Republicans have moved even further to the right to compensate. The only time they went to left, when Howard Dean was the party chair, they picked up 64 House seats in the off-year election and most of the state houses and governorships as well.
And then Debbie Wasserman-Schultz took the party back to the Right, and they got obliterated at all levels.
Now the Republicans are going to deregulate everything, slash taxes, slash government spending, and the economy will grow very slightly for a short time, followed by an extremely hard crash that may not be recoverable for many years. And we will still be left with an even bigger mountain of public debt.
The Democratic Party will find a way to climb back from the abyss but will spend a number of years rebuilding everything. After which time the Republicans will come back into power,slash spending and taxes, crush the economy again, and we will get back to where we started.
User Suspended
Member^ Nailed it
User Suspended
MemberYou really should just spend your efforts posting on breitbart or Fox News.
ParticipantWithout going into all the details alleged in this video, I am sure that both the RNC and DNC do some sickening stuff to get their candidate elected.
The fact is Hillary was too toxic, yet the DNC pushed her candidacy anyway because I guess they thought it was her ”turn”. Trump was, and is proving still to be, a complete dumpster fire of a candidate/president, and with demographics on their side, the Democrats had no business losing this election. I realize she alienated coal country and didn’t visit Ohio enough or whatever, but I don’t think she lost because Trump had some great message and political movement. She lost because she was icky, and someone boring like Joe Biden probably would’ve won handily.
Don’t get me wrong, I still voted for her as the far less worse candidate, and I still believe that to be true. But this election is likely to go down in history as one of the worst f*ck ups the DNC has ever perpetrated on the US. They caused the election of Donald Trump, a narcissistic tyrant man-child sociopath, who is already doing unreal damage only 1 month in.
Newbomb Turk
ParticipantRegarding your last statement…. I keep hearing folks like Spicer saying “the president has done more in his first month than other presidents do in their whole terms”. It doesn’t mean that what he did was good. Personally, I don’t agree with his actions on the pipelines, refugee bans, initial steps to eliminate the ACA, the wall,etc. Add to that some of his horrendous cabinet picks (IMHO) and I’m not impressed with what the president has done in his first month.
ParticipantOh, it’s not just your humble opinion that his cabinet picks are bad, some of them are verifiably atrocious. Steve Bannon, Betsy Devos, Flynn, it goes on. I guess McMaster isn’t the worst, but he wasn’t Trump’s first choice either. Wasn’t he like the 5th or 6th pick?
Participant/nitpick on
Bannon doesn’t have a cabinet post.
/nitpick off
(not that it makes him any less influential…or horrifying)
Member@WestSlopeCutthroat – She did win. If it wasn’t for the archaic electoral college system, she’d be the POTUS.
Tangentially, I’ll bet you’re pretty excited about the coal mining waste regulation repeal Trump just signed. I hope there’s mine upstream of your favorite fishing hole. Those 3 eyed fish should be some yummy eatin 😉
ParticipantYeah, but think of all the “toxic waste river dumper” jobs Trump just created!
Why are you against jobs? WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA?!
MemberI’m just a hater … I can’t help it LOL
ParticipantWell you found a point we can agree on.
MemberOh ’72 … you crack me up.
Puget Ute
ParticipantThe craziest thing about that is that cleaning up the HAZMAT in those rivers/streams/mountains will create a S**T TON of high-paying jobs. So ironically allowing the mining companies to simply dump their waste (and theoretically save money/create new jobs) actually decreases the work opportunities for the people who live in those areas.
When I lived in New England we had many hundreds of miles of streams running through the local farms and wilderness, and most of them were full of beautiful fish (many types of trout, salmon, walleye, northern pike, bass, etc). Unfortunately the mercury levels were so high that most of the fish in the streams and rivers were inedible. The mills that polluted the area largely shut down 50+ years ago, and now nobody is even around to be responsible for the cleanup.
Minnesota Ute
Participant“On the day that Kosinski published these findings, he received two phone calls. The threat of a lawsuit and a job offer. Both from Facebook.” LOL
Very interesting read, thanks for sharing. The bottom line for me, whether it’s right or wrong I guess I’m not sure, but my gut says that Trump tapped into what average americans feel is important which turned out to be different than what the mainstream press was telling them.
As a libertarian who has no love for Donald, but also no love for Hillary, I think the whole show is so fascinating because the hypocrisy is so thick on both sides. The antiwar folks that were losing their mind over Bush disappeared under Obama, the folks losing their mind over executive orders under Obama have disappeared under Trump, same with nominations and confirmations, etc etc.
One thing I will be watching very carefully is looking for actual evidence, let me say that again, ACTUAL EVIDENCE that the things folks are losing their mind about actually happen, or if the evidence points in another direction. Devos is a prime example. My wife is a teacher, so I get to hear first hand how the teachers unions and all the public school bureaurcracy are whipped up into a frenzy. Well, if she does actually advance the cause of school choice, I will be looking for evidence, real evidence of what results.
Because I know for a fact that public education is flawed, my wife who lives in the belly of the beast, talks about it every day. If government provided telephones, rich people would still be carrying around bag phones, and poor people would still be on land lines if at all. Education could most likely be the same way, if it was pay to play, yes wealthy people would get the best education, but guess what, poor people would get better education than they do today. I believe you have a choice, you can choose equality, in which case everyone will get the same equal s**t, or you can introduce market forces and watch the quality that everyone recieves improve, accepting that some might benefit more. Of course when you ask yourself the simple question “how many washington politicians have their kids in public school?” then you quickly realize that it’s not equality you are getting, it’s socialism.
To those of you that say we can have high quality public education, all I can say is that we spend more per pupil today than we ever have. Meanwhile test scores are stagnant and the rest of the world is passing us by. This isn’t conjecture, its fact, and it is just natural order of things. It happens everywhere with everything, but people on both sides of the isle keep doubling and tripling down on more and more government to “fix” the problem. Ultimately, the vast majority of people in their gut know its wrong, and Trump tapped into that, even though he has not yet convinced me he is any different. BUT I will say that a number of his nominees give me hope. AND I will be looking for evidence to the contrary as well, like the pollution, workplace tragedies, etc as proof that cutting back on government created more problems than it resolved. But don’t look for me to cherry pick, because I won’t. I will look for evidence, not hyperbole. If there is a spill or an explosion, I won’t be jumping to any conclusions, I will be looking to see if the number of spills, or volume of spills went up, etc. Because anyone can pick a one-off and ralley around it, both sides do it incessently, let no crisis go to waste, right. F**k that, I’ll be looking at the big picture.
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