This is why the Republicans couldn’t get a consensus Presidental candidate and we all ended up with Drumpf, there are too many competing factions within the party. I’m saying this as a registered R, though a moderate. I thought Ryan-care or Trump-care or whatever you want to call it sucked. It did the opposite of what Trump promised (not that he actually cared) to get elected. I’m glad people screamed loud enough to keep this disaster from passing (at least for now).
Work together and fix the problems in Obummercare!!
Get costs down in healthcare, in general. Its fundamentally wrong that someone can go to a fine hospital in Europe and get a hip or knee replacement for one-third the cost of the US. Has anyone tallied where the price difference comes from? I think its partly marketing costs, partly cost of studies for FDA, partly liability insurance.
And fix roads and bridges rather than spending billions on a wall!