Utah @  UCF


Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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    • #182675
      Tony (admin)

      …to all of my fellow Ute fans! Thankful for your patronage! Cheers.

    • #182677
      Ute Dub

      Happy Christmas to everyone and thanks to everyone for making this a great site!

    • #182678


      Thank U for Creating and Managing this Awesome Site! I am Proud to say – that I am a Ute Hub Addict, typically logging in, multiple times per day. 

      I live a pretty blessed life, but we all have to deal with challenges & stress. 

      Like many on this board, I am a Die-Hard Member of Ute Nation. As a Fan, I invest as much as I can afford too financially. The amount of time I allocate in following the Utes and my emotional investment, are at Irrational Levels. But, I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

      Watching, reading about, and following a Sports Team provides Entertainment and a Release from life’s stress. At least, it is one of my favorite coping mechanisms. 

      So, Thank U again for providing this site. I have no idea, what it takes financially to create a website. And then maintaining it, must be non stop.

      Hopefully you (Tony) know, that your financial and time investment is a Huge Blessing to me and many. We come here together, to Celebrate the Wins and help each other get thru the losses… 

      #22Forever  #UteHubForever

      Merry Chistmas, Everyone and Go Utes !!



      • #182688
        Tony (admin)

        Man what an awesome post. Makes it all worth it right there! Thank YOU. Fortunately the fundraisers have been able to cover most of the financial cost of the site for the last few years. With growth comes the need for more resources and thus more expense, and we’re doing well there. My contribution to the community is my time and software enginerring skills to keep it running and hopefully add more interesting features.  As always I’ll say everything I do is meaningless without great users putting out great user-generated content! If you have issues, critiques, or suggestions I’m always up to hear it. 

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