Might it be possible for a Democrat (and a woman) to unseat Chaffetz?

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Politics Might it be possible for a Democrat (and a woman) to unseat Chaffetz?

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    • #31095
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      *Warning! What follows is a comment that somewhat denigrates a Utah Republican…proceed at your own risk*



      After Chaffetz’s “let them eat cake” moment with regards to health care, it would be refreshing to have someone that actually knows what they are talking about represent Utah in the debate.

      Alas, I fear unless Dr. Allen can appear in a campaign ad in her living room beneath a picture of the Salt Lake Temple, her chances are slim.

    • #31100

      We can photoshop or green screen thst in for her

    • #31102
      Newbomb Turk

      That district has been gerrymandered to the point that Chaffetz can’t lose.

      • #31104

        Prior to his recent comments about iPhones health care etc I would have agreed with you.   However after his town hall etc I think she may have a shot at beating him.   He’s become part of the problem back there      The new candidate is seizing the momentum generated by his town hall and recent guffaws to promote herself as a better option. People that live in washington DC are contributing to her campaign   She has a war chest thst is on par with his and she’s only been doing this  month 

        by getting this early campaign start she can watch him and capitalize on his poor decisions by identifying them and bringing them to the voters attention 

        he could be a casualty of the mid term elections 

    • #31105
      Virginia Ute

      She needs to stop getting endorsements from Rachal Maddow and Rosie O’Donnell, for starters.  

      • #31124

        @Virginia Ute I don’t know about that…Trump was able to win Utah with Vladimir Putin’s endorsement. Anything can happen.

        • #31143
          Virginia Ute

          If I was running for office in Utah and I had to choose between the 1 the 3 following endorsements:

          1. Rosie O’Donnell

          2. Rachel Maddow

          3. Satan



          ….I’d pick #3.  

    • #31110

      Unfortunately, that district has been gerrymandered to the point that a Dem can’t win. It’s simply impossible.

      What could happen, however, is Chaffetz could get beat in a primary if someone popular — say one of Mitt’s sons or Evan McMullin — ran against him.

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