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Mike Gundy making Scalley look like Malcom X…

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Mike Gundy making Scalley look like Malcom X…

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    • #124604

      National attention shifting to Oklahoma State Head Coach Mike Gundy’s fishing apparel (apparently this is the tip of the iceberg with his behavior on the BLM issue)…


    • #124606

      This a response to this prior Hubbard tweet…

    • #124610
      Central Coast Ute

      Sounds like a bunch of nothing. Gundy never used the N word, just wore a T shirt. Looks like everything was taken care of in house and Hubbard is even saying he should not have gone to Twitter.
      ESPN article about Ok St.

      • #124622
        2 1

        His teammates, in the interim, had spoken out about some attitudes of Gundy and the coaching staff toward the African-American players.  Just as I was in the middle of posting this the reconcilatory post came out (which was good to see — no one likes conflict, least of all me), so I lead with that and didn’t expound on what might be an iceberg under the tip.   I guess it remains to be seen if everything is really patched-up between Gundy, staff and all the PoC football players.

    • #124613
      14 13

      Do you think BLM is a farce? Let look at the six platform demands:

      1. End the war on black people.

      2. Reparations for past and continuing harms.

      3. Divestment from the institutions that criminalize, cage and harm black people; and investment in the education, health and safety of black people.

      4. Economic justice for all and a reconstruction of the economy to ensure our communities have collective ownership, not merely access.

      5. Community control of the laws, institutions and policies that most impact us.

      6. Independent black political power and black self-determination in all areas of society.


      I have never watched OAN but I do not agree with any policy of Black Lives Matter. I do not believe in systemic racism. I do not believe in White privilege. I do not believe the government has declared war on all black lives. 

      • #124617
        1 4

        I love you.

      • #124625
        5 7

         I do not believe you never watched OAN.  I’ll leave it at that.

      • #124715

        Please post the link / source.  These are out there for sure and it is worth ensuring where you found them.  (I didn’t see them on the official BLM website).

      • #124724
        Minnesota Ute

        I am down with #5, which is also consistent with a little known and obscure document called, and I might be messing this up so please correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe it’s something like… the Bill of Rights?  I was able to scour the interwebs to find this language that I think was important maybe once…

        The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”


        • #124740

          You’re probably not reading #5 the way they intend. Take a look at how they are running things in CHAZ/CHOP for a better idea of what they mean by “community control”. If you’re “down with that” then . . . yikes.

          • #124749

            Community to them means your identity. So you will be judged by whatever identity you want. 

    • #124618
      11 2

      God forbid someone should have different political views than the academic liberal orthodoxy.

      • #124621
        1 1


      • #124623

        He can do what he wants, I suppose. But views are not without consequences. Looks like at least one of his players (a 2000-yard rusher) is going to refuse to play for the guy.

        • #124624

          This surprises me.

          • #124626


            • #124631

              I assume that people know that right-wing politics exist in Oklahoma. Chances are that there are many folks who listen to OAN in that town. Why is anyone surprised when a coach of a football team does?

        • #124647
          4 1

          Ok. That’s on Chuba, not Gundy. But then Gundy works for the Academic liberal orthodoxy. He’ll probably be canceled.

    • #124635
      7 1

      Send that kid packing. Cancel culture is rotten

      • #124638
        1 4


        • #124680
          5 2

          So you’re good with Cancel Culture?  Run a guy out of town for wearing a news shirt you disagree with?  Get people fired for random interactions with strangers on the street?  Doxxing people to ruin their careers because they were rude to someone?

          This is all going to end so poorly.

          • #124692
            1 3

            I simply indicated that your comment was genius, none of that other stuff you mention.

    • #124652
      11 9

      This is the problem with the left, you give them a inch and they take a mile. It’s not enough for them for white people to be against racism, support BLM (which is a corrupt organization funded by George Soros), and want to defund the police. Now they will refuse to interact with you if you wear a t-shirt with a fringe news networks logo on it. This is why you shouldn’t bend the knee to people that say things like “white silence is violence”. They don’t even know what the definition of violence is. Mike Gundy shoulnd’t apologize for the t-shirt. It’s never going to be good enough for the left.

      • #124659
        7 3

        They love to eat their own as well. One day someone is a darling of the left. One false step however, and they’re canceled too.

      • #124671
        1 2

        How should we handle this problem, solidhobo?

        • #124701
          7 2

          As far as things like the racial divide as well as the political divide in the country, I don’t know how to fix it. Quite frankly, it might be unsolvable because it all depends on people coming together and talking things out. But I just don’t see that ever happening, people are reverting to tribalism more and more every day and a lot of stupid people are not willing to communicate in a mature and non-violent way. What I do know is that people that find themselves in situations, like the one Drew Brees was in recently, is to never apologize for vocalizing your beliefs/political opinions. After he said in a video that he will never agree with people kneeling during the national anthem because his grandfathers fought in WWII defending that flag and what it represents in this country, the leftist Twitter mob were calling for his head if he didn’t apologize. Well, he apologized, but it doesn’t matter. The left isn’t satisfied with people apologizing for something they said even if what they said wasn’t controversial at all. I’ve seen countless people apologize over the years for something they said that the left didn’t like, but it never stops them from attacking. NEVER be sorry for a core belief you have that is different then someone else’s.

          • #124709
            1 1

            I thumbs up you. because i get what you’re saying.

            By what you said your not a radical. not a MAGA or Antifa I really wish the moderate perspective would come back. 


      • #124693
        5 7

        support BLM (which is a corrupt organization funded by George Soros)


        Yes! I needed the Soros square on my “Angry White Conservatives” bingo card.

        • #124699
          6 3

          If it wasn’t true, I wouldn’t be saying it. Educate yourself, obviously it’s not information that everyone is going to be spouting off, because Soros doesn’t want people to know he’s funding things like BLM, Antifa, etc. Don’t let the media brainwash you, that includes both CNN and Fox. Think for yourself and stop listening to political commentary on TV.

          • #124703
            3 8

            Hey man, whatever nefarious boogeyman helps you sleep better at night.


            i don’t judge.

            • #124706
              3 1

              It is certainly more plausible than 3.5 million police contacts per day are hunting Black people and killing them. 

          • #124717

            Thank you for this post. I agree with you.

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