Mo Tab singing the fight song for GameDay
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- This topic has 41 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by
ParticipantSorry to be insensitive to our LDS brothers, but I really wish this wasn’t happening. Obviously, there is a huge Mormon population in the Salt Lake City area who will really enjoy it, however, can’t we save this kind of thing for the school down south?
This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Wilson’s Mustache
ParticipantFull discolsure, I’m not LDS nor do I live in Utah currently, but I think it is kind of lame. I think the Mo Tab is great & its world famous, but I just don’t think it belongs on college gameday.
I agree, it should be left for BYU since they are more closely associated.
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Wilson's Mustache.
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
ParticipantI’m not LDS and think it’s very cool. :shrug:
Participant -
Tony (admin)
KeymasterDirector: “Camera 1: show the motabs! Cue the audio. Camera two, cue the crazed drunken Ute fans pouring beer on each other. That’s a wrap!”
I’d prefer they not be part of it personally.
ParticipantWho cares man…its not that big of a deal. Im not LDS either, but im completely indifferent about this.
ParticipantI’m LDS and I don’t like it. I don’t see how Utah Man lends itself to MoTab style. If they do it well then I’ll be ambivalent. Part of me likes it because it will p**s of BYU-P.
ParticipantIs this really a thing? link?
Tony (admin)
KeymasterIn my mind the “thing” about it is the motabs are connected to byu. So it’s like their way of crashing the party.
Participantwhat I meant was, is this really happening? Why? Ugh. I don’t want Motab there either. I haven’t seen anything saying they’d be there.
InactiveHaha seriously? I actually love this it p**ses off the idiots haters on both side of the aisle. Byu fan Utahhaters will whine about it, and the sensitive whiney hate mormons will get upset. Win win for me. Utah is famous for Mormons and the MoTab is part of it get over it.
ParticipantI am a Mo No Mo, and I’m indifferent. The Mormon correlation to our school is something that will always be there as our school is called Utah. Oh well, I’ll happily take that trade off for such a beautiful campus in an awesome town. Although it is annoying to get called a “f**king mormon” leaving Sam Boyd and the Rose Bowl.
Tony (admin)
KeymasterWell I guess I shouldn’t have deleted the religion category… hehe.
ParticipantThis seems like a “fireside before a game” type thing. Now, if the Mo Tab just rocks the song and pumps us all up, then cool! However … I picture a thoughtful, slow, melodic interpretation of our FIGHT SONG. Yeah … fireside before a football game. Just don’t belong!! (and in case it matters, I’m a mo)
ParticipantFrom what I’ve heard it was prerecorded last night. They won’t be there live tomorrow.
ParticipantHere’s the link
InactiveI think it sounds great, much better than what I hear in the stadium. And I’m glad they didn’t use the insensitive racist lyrics, but rather the modified version.
I think you Utah fans who are against the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing Utah man should go cheer for another team. Mormonism has been and always will be a huge part of Utah. Our head coach goes to church nearly every Sunday despite his busy schedule, he’s honored that the Church’s choir is singing his team’s song on GameDay. Deal with it.
ParticipantYou’re right. Maybe we should have dancing polygamists there, too, along with anti-gay posters. Might as well fully embrace our awesome history.
InactiveYou mean our history of being highly educated, industrious, and successful?? I’ll take the LDS religion over whatever organization you frequent.
ParticipantEdit: not going to start interweb fighting.
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InactiveYou’ll have a direct message from me.
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
ParticipantIt’s your asinine attitude that unfortunately runs rampant through that wonderful “organization.” Immediately putting down any other organization or belief as inferior.
InactiveReally? YOU were the first to take a shot at The Church in this thread, not me. You take a shot at my church, you better be ready for me to defend it. The U of U was founded by The Church, go root for a different school if you have a problem with Mormons.
InactiveCan’t believe I am siding with Moose but you’re post is full of irony.
Participanthad no clue what mo tab was til i saw this…..
ParticipantJust watched it and firmly in the camp that it was awesome! Nice job Mo Tab, way to represent.
ParticipantI don’t mind it and I’m not LDS. What I do mind is they changed the freaking words. It’s not “we’ll shout for dear old crimson” it’s FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! I guess you could say they are shouters not fighters.
Plus you know it had to burn some of their inner souls to have to sing that since I’m sure a good portion of them are BYU fans
ParticipantNon-LDS and 10/10 Do not want this. Keep that kinda thing for BYU-P.
ParticipantI am a member (since we apparently need to state our religion in this thread) and like it.
I love that our school is being seen as representing Utah… and not just our school. The U is seen as the premiere program in the state, and is being used to highlight our state, our culture, and our institutions. I am alright with that… but to each their own.
Or maybe it is just because it bothers the TDS to see us representing something that they thought they had a sole claim to.
InactiveIt bothers the Mo haters to so they have something in common with Zoobs.
ParticipantThe fact that people are complaining about one of the most respected and well-known choral groups in the WORLD singing our fight song is completely baffling to me. I think it sounds great…was just hoping for a “Go Utes!” at the end.
InactiveI think it shows again how useless the program down south is. You can gain the exposure you want by not hating on a State School. That is what a university should be accepting of all cultures INCLUDING the dominant culture that surrounds the university.
Ute Bc
ParticipantI’m not a Mo. Don’t hate them. But the idea of a fight song being sung by a choir strikes me as odd. Fight songs are supposed to fire people up – a choir version?
ParticipantAfter hearing it my initial thought was right. It doesn’t work as a choral piece. Its a drinking song to be shouted with riotous gusto using steins of lager, big cigars, and fighting for dear old crimson. This will not do.
I love both the U and the LDS church despite it’s short comings, but this will not do at all.-
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ParticipantFrom the Deseret News article:
“As much as it pained this BYU grad to have to orchestrate it, we could see that it was a very good thing for our community and for ESPN and for the choir,” Barrick said. “The irony of it was that there are more BYU alumni in the loft than University of Utah. The University of Utah people were very, very pleased, and the BYU people were good sports.”
Participantmormonism is part of this state….and part of mainstream christianity, unlike some of the other parts of our state culture which most of us are not proud of aka polygamy, anti gay rhetoric, etc…if you dont want the choir to sing the fight song than who can? who is the fight song police? hans olsen had to sing the fight song, he is a former cougar PLAYER!! responsible for aiding the tds to victory. none of these choir members were part of the game. but they ARE a part of an institution that is UNIQUELY UTAH….and yes i am mormon but both my parents are first gen american and immigrated from third world countries, and my father is an alcoholic catholic so i do not have a main stream mormon mind set…GO UTES
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Tony (admin)
KeymasterI missed the choir part, which I wasn’t into anyway so it worked out for me.
ParticipantMy Dad would have loved to hear the MoTab sing his school’s fight song.
ParticipantI’m just glad they didn’t do a clogging promo.
Tony (admin)
ParticipantThe angel Moroni came to visit me this weekend, so, I’ve had a change of heart.
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