Most memorable moments from 2018 Football??

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    • #91783

      I have a few. The four game stretch where the offense was fire I will remember for a long time. 

      I will also remember the quarter and like a few minutes it took to beat Tds. It is kind of wasted because none of my TDS friends talk football anymore. 

      Beating USC after a turrible start. 

    • #91793
      Dante Guardi

      Huntleys throw to Nacua to stretch the lead VS Stanford. Coveys pass to Huntley VS U of PAY

    • #91796
      Tony (admin)

      Shelley jumping over byzoo defender.

    • #91800

      That come from behind win against BYU was just incredible. Shelley’s final touchdown was unbelievable. When he was running out that option towards the CB, it looked like the BYU defender had no idea Shelley still had the ball until it was too late. And then the stiff arm on the safety on his way to the endzone? Simply awesome.

      The gutsy win against Oregon was awesome. Shyne running all over the place and Shelley playing like a seasoned veteran. And that 4 game stretch you mentioned was fantastic. How would it be to have a productive offense like that for an entire season? 

      • #91801
        Tony (admin)

        How would it be to have a productive offense like that for an entire season?

        2019 baby.

        • #91803

          Don’t jinx it. Every time we talked the offense down it outperformed our very low expectations. 

          I think I still would be happy if the offense averages around 30 a game. 

          • #91805
            1 1

            30 ppg probably isn’t going to cut it.

            As a team, we have averaged 29.8 ppg from 2014-2018 with a high of 31.3 ppg and a low of 28.1 ppg. While that has led to some really good seasons, it is clear that this level of offensive production has held us back.

            Pac-12 champions typically average 32+ ppg with only two exceptions. 

            2011 – Oregon 46.1 ppg

            2012 – Stanford 27.8 ppg

            2013 – Stanford 32.2 ppg

            2014 – Oregon 45.4 ppg

            2015 – Stanford 36.5 ppg

            2016 – Washington 41.7 ppg

            2017 – USC 32.5 ppg

            2018 – Washington 26.4 ppg

            We need an offense that can average 35+ per game.

            • #91806

              Well Washington’s defense helped them win it with that 26.4. I am not saying it is ideal but I think it gets it done. 

              • #91807
                1 1

                History says it doesn’t. Washington had the benefit of a historically bad year for the Pac-12, and so did Stanford in 2012 when Oregon was the only other really good team in the conference that year. On average, if you want to win the Pac-12, you’re going to need to score a lot of points. Even the runners-up in most years average in the mid to high 30s. 

                If we want to win the conference, we need to hope everyone else is mediocre to bad or we need to score 35+ ppg. Great defense doesn’t win this conference unless the conference is having a down year overall.

                • #91809

                  Goals vs realistic expectations. Or LOWERED expectations if you will. I am not expecting Ludwig to bump up Utah’s scoring by 7 ppg. Will I be happy with 30?  Yes and that is all I am saying.

                  Should Utah have averaged more this past season?  I believe so there are some outliers in there for sure. They did pretty well with Shelley as well.  Maybe we will all be really pleased with the offense and we see Utah in the 33-34 range. 

                  Looking at the schedule this season Utah has a chance to score point points with an experienced team. Oline is still questionable for me so I don’t have lofty expectations. 

    • #91804

      We looked like world beaters. Shades of 2004.

    • #91818

      Most memorable moments?

      Being at games with my sons.

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