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Moving on from last night, what does everyone hope to see next week?

Welcome Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Moving on from last night, what does everyone hope to see next week?

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    • #221531

      Overall I hope to see a team that is more prepared. As well as we played, it seemed like the defensive front 7 and offensive line weren’t really ready to go from the snap.

      QB: I don’t really care, but I would love to see Rising rely on someone other than Kuithe when he is in a bind. It seems like he reverts to look for Kuithe or run when he is under pressure.

      RB: I love the traditional Utah style of football. Establish the run, exert your will on the opponent. I want, more than anything else in this game, to see a running back, or group of running backs, take over a drive with physicality and sheer will. Jaylon “one-hand-touch” Glover ain’t it. If he can’t break tackles or at the very least fall forward when hit against SUU, he shouldn’t be getting carries on obvious running downs. (On a positive note, Glover seems to be decent in pass pro).

      WR: I want one of Singer or Parks to be the star of the game.

      TE: I would love to see someone other than Kuithe get involved. Not that I don’t want Kuithe to score, but if Rising can rely on him less in early on, he’ll be less banged up when we need him most.

      OL: Don’t get beat by speed rushers, and get push on obvious running downs.

      DL: Keep contain, don’t overrun the QB on sack attempts.

      LB: assignment sound football

      S: WRAP UP. No more “lower the shoulder” tackles FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!

      CB: please please Please PLEASE PLEAAAAAAASE no more injuries here. I would love to see whoever we trot out there perform above expectations. That would be a welcome surprise to say the least.

      K: Out of the endzone kickoffs would be nice, the SUU kicker did it, Becker should too.

      P: Keep doing what you are doing.

      If the Utes prove they can do all these things on top of what they showed last night, we will be undefeated or close to it this year (assuming we don’t lose any other key pieces).

    • #221535

      This may be a dumb wish and it’s selfish, but I want a WR to have a 100+ yard game. Please let me see it.

      • #221538

        Selfish wishes are encouraged. This is a safe place for selfish pie-in-the-sky hoping.

    • #221536

      Rising always checks down to the TE. Remember the INT he threw to a Kincaid covered by 4 people? It is who he is.

      I want Utah to go up big vs Baylor and USU so we can see more of Wilson. I’m pumped for him. He looked incredible last night. I want game experience for him. I’d like for him to get a series or two with the starters.

      • #221537

        I know it is who he is… but a man is allowed to hope.

    • #221539

      I really do not care who the star of the game is. I just want us to play well.

      I do hope that we get some of our other weapons involved, i.e., Pittman, Parks, more Singer, Bently. However, if Kuithe scores 3 more TDs – I will be perfectly happy.

      Our offensive and defensive lines need to improve IMO. I would like to see us run better than we did last night, but I don’t want to be the same team we have been in past years. We are loaded with weapons in the passing game. I think that is who we will be in 2024.

      Number one – I want to win and win decisively if possible. I want to see improvement on both sides of the ball. A score of about 35 – 17 would be nice.

      Go Utes!!!

    • #221540

      Agree 100% with your position by position thoughts. I would add rising avoiding big hits on scrambles and just 0 injuries to offset SUU

    • #221542
      Jim Vanderhoof

      The intensity level will go up against Baylor. Even though it’s not considered a conference game it’s our first Big 12 game against a big 12 opponent. Send a message to the rest of the league that we have arrived and we don’t lose at home. No turnovers and teach Rising how slide!! He scares the hell out of me when he takes off. Especially up the middle. He took a couple of pretty big hits that first half.

      • #221543

        “teaching Rising how to slide”

        Hey, I said hopes were welcome, not pipe-dreams.

      • #221547
        Tony (admin)

        He can’t slide. When he tries it, it looks like he might hurt himself. LOL

    • #221552
      Jim Vanderhoof

      Bring in the baseball coach!!

      • #221555

        The Bears use a slip&slide. Butt down feet up.

    • #221561

      For me its better run game

    • #221563

      QB: Rising will smooth out and get into better and better rhythm. Wilson is fine, he graduated HS90 days ago and will become awesome.
      RB: They will settle in, be a strength and I expect will continue as a committee.
      WR: Also will settle in. Opponent defense will get something new and significant to deal with each week.
      TE: TE will continue to be a nightmare. Coaching defense to prepare for TEs that block and run routes is as complex as it gets.
      OL: Also will settle in a bunch before conference. I expect TE working as OL will figure in also.
      DL: Will only get better and better. I loved seeing the option to play 3 DEs on passing plays. Seeing us play 3 all on one side is mind boggling when you think about how to counter.
      LB: Was sound but there will be games with big plays from the group.
      CB: This is the significant puzzle for the team. Shaw will be interesting to watch as he does his thing.
      ST: All is well even without field goals yet. The KO cover team consistently bottled up the jitterbug return guy. No reason to think the ball doesn’t go deeper if desired…yet

    • #221564

      Beyond the crappy injuries, it’s hard to complain too much after a 49-0 win, with the backup quarterback entering the game in the second quarter.

      The offense would be more effective if the line could get a little more push, especially in short-yardage situations. Mike Mitchel and Andrews also need to hold on to the ball. I would guess that Micah Bernard and Dijon Stanley (as his growing package of plays allows) will get the primary RB touches, with Mitchel and Andrews being brought in for short-yardage situations. I am guessing there are some plays involving Suguturaga as a FB that might appear also.

      We have some serious receiving threats in Singer, Kuithe and Stanley that will draw a lot of defensive attention (plus a bunch of other solid options like Parks, Bernard out the backfield, etc.). If we can make the run game a credible threat, the Utah offense will be tough to stop this year.

      • #221569
        Kirk Herbstreet

        I would love to see Ludwig use Miki as a FB, similar to how Norm used Shawn Asiata a decade…and a half ago.

        Man time just flies by.

    • #221568
      Kirk Herbstreet

      I just want a defensive shutout again. I want the D to send a message to everyone else in the conference that points and yards will not come easy against Utah. The best d in this conference outside of Texas last year was okay and we would consider it a rebuilding year. I want Big 12 fans to start feeling something of an inevitability when it comes to our D suffocating opposing teams, particularly at home.

    • #221600

      Always alarming when we can’t dominate the run game against FCS. It’s partly OL and our RBs. Glover and Bernard appear the same as in years past. Hopefully a new guy can overtake them. Whitt has been consistent that RB is his biggest concern for the team. I think he knows what he’s talking about.

      • #221601

        I’m not saying it was great by any means but seemed to be a bit by design with the game plan and okay calls. Just not all doomsday as you make it sound.

        No RB had more than 6 carries, Stanley (5.7 per) and Mitchell with 6 each and Benard (6.6 per) with 5. Their average per carry was pretty good, but yeah, not great.

      • #221619
        Kirk Herbstreet

        Bernard had an avg. of 6.6 yards a carry. He didn’t play a single snap in the second half. Glover should have had 23 yards on 5 carries (4.6 yards a carry), but Coach Whit accepted an offsides penalty on an 8 yard carry from Glover. Half of Mitchell’s carries came in the second half with the 2s or 3s. Stanley was a revelation. I am not saying we know what the running game is going to be, but you don’t either and its pretty low to keep disrespecting them like you have. They sky is not falling. This was always going to be a pass heavy offense, and that was true when the 1s were on the field. The run game was doing everything we needed it to and more in the first half. And if 6.6 yards a carry is not enough for you, regardless of opponent, then your expectations are the problem, not our backs.

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