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My distaste for the TDS grows every year

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo My distaste for the TDS grows every year

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    • #148136
      19 1

      Didn’t realize there was this category so…here’s my rant.

      I get so tired of delusional zoobies. Just year after year they believe that their team is the greatest blessing to mankind. Part of me wants to be the bigger man and not shove the win streak nor our program’s trajectory in their face but the other part wants to squeeze every last little ounce of hope out of them.

      To be honest, I’m done with this “rivalry”. I want to move on to bigger games and bigger opponents. There is little to no gain for us playing them. Why do we honestly keep on scheduling these games? I truly hope we can move on and continue to build our off season games with bigger teams, preferably in our hot spots for recruiting that we can’t get to much: Florida, Texas, and hopefully we tap into the Georgia goldmine more (welcome Cole Bishop and Adarrius Harshaw!).

      We are continually putting ourselves on the map by beating Alabama, Michigan, and others. Imagine the kind of hype we can generate if we beat Florida, Texas, and Georgia Tech in one off-season.

      Thoughts? Comments? Derogatory remarks?

    • #148137
      18 1

      I’m on the kick TDS to the curb train. They are the chicken who struts up on the chess board, knocks all of the pieces off the table, and then declares themselves the winner. They are a delusional fanbase who fail to put last season in context, and again declare themselves a relavent national power based on the most cupcake schedule. Time to schedule our football peers in the BIG and ACC conferences

      • #148139

        Then please run for a state legislature seat, cuz that’s their leverage.

    • #148138

      I’m on a week-long emotional high after beating USC, UCLA, Arizona St, Oregon, Washington & Stanford.  I come out of the in-state rivalry game thankful that it’s over and we can move on from the fabricated hype that it has become.  

      The sad truth is that beating those guys does absolutely nothing for us. Losing to them is an embarrassment. There’s no upside to playing them anymore.

    • #148140

      I heard Dave Fox the other day when he was interviewed on the radio.  He said each school needs to do what is best for them.  He indicated that it made no sense for Utah to play BYU, it just doesn’t help the Utes in any way.  He was being very honest because he knows it is best for the local media to have BYU in the mix.

      For me, the BYU game just gets in the way.  It’s too emotional and we gain nothing from it.  I do not hate or even dislike all BYU fans.  I know many and some are wonderful people.  Nonetheless, I would prefer never playing them in football.

      If we have to play them because our legislature requires it, maybe we could play them once every three years.  We could also play USU and Weber once every three years.  So, one in-state game per year.  I would require USU and Weber to play in SLC.  That would never fly with BYU since they do have a larger stadium.

      • #148150
        Central Coast Ute

        I’m surprised to hear that a local sports guy was actually honest regarding Utah/byu. It’s refreshing to hear because as you pointed out, the rest of the media says it needs to continue, even “The Voice of The Utes”, Bill Reilly. If you look at it from an objective point if view, this game only benefits byu to play it every year. If Utah wins, oh well you were supposed to win, it’s not a good win. If they lose, it’s a bad loss to a team that’s below you. It’s a lose-lose situation for Utah even if they win the games.

    • #148145

      Yeah I agree, all emotion with zero to gain and everything to lose. The only thing we gain is a bigger and bigger win streak

    • #148146

      My advice for those that get worked up over TDS is two-fold: (1) do not visit their message board, (2) don’t associate with zoobs. For the second point, I am not saying do not associate with any of their fans, just don’t associate with the zoobish fans (if you are forced to be around a zoob, via family or neighbor, just don’t talk sports with them). It is that easy. Your angst will subside dramatically.

      I follow those two things and actually enjoy the game with TDS. I enjoy the rivalry. It is far more interesting to me than a game against Weber State, Northern Illinois, and most any of the non-P5 schools. 

      • #148179

        I too would prefer to play ybU-p to Weber St or NIU, but it doesn’t have to be an either-or scenario.  We could play NONE of those teams!  So let’s not frame it as though we have to pick at least one of those teams.  Utah has no business playing FCS teams, MAC teams, or Sub Belt teams.  Ever.  As for the tdS, we should either force them to submit to a 2-for-1, or no deal.  We can just schedule UNLV.  Or Houston.  Or some other FBS team in CA.

    • #148148

      The TDS game generates TV eyeballs from the casual fan in Utah.  Its not going anywhere because it is decently valuable TV inventory.  

      With our recruiting getting deeper every year, we will probably end up keeping it even in years that we schedule big name nonconference opponents.

      Hardcore Ute fans mostly hate it but everyone else still loves it.

    • #148154

      I don’t talk to poo poo fans about sports. Most don’t engage me.

      Life is too short to worry about all the negative and things out of your control. Control what is in your power and you will find power.

      All of the positive things happening with Utah’s program why waste your time on them? Read a great article about Davis and McKinney. Nice to see these articles and enjoyable.

    • #148157

      For background, my family is half Y fans and half U fans. I also grew up in Provo going to Y games with friends since about 7 or 8 years old entering thru the knothole gang for 25 cents without adults. Tickets were easy to come by. Myself I graduated from the U in the 70s and attended every football game. In about ’81 when they built their new stadium, I bought a season ticket as part of a family group for the single purpose of attending 1 game every other year. It was a bargain since my employer paid 2/3 of the lifetime donation because of double matching of donations to universities. I simply sold the other games to other family members. After my parents passed away and the remaining family is mostly U fans, I recently let my ticket go. With the exception of a couple of years in the army, I have attended almost every U vs Y football game since the 50s.

      As a result, I have seen so many ups and downs in this game. While in Provo, I heard Wayne Howard tell us he hates BYU and Max Hall tell us he hates Utah. I remember when the big instate game was UofU vs USU. I saw many years where there was less than 500 U fans in Provo. When it became competitive in the 90s I had food thrown at me many times while simply sitting with my parents. Note, do not park in Provo with U stickers on your vehicle.

      I have been ready to move on from this game and have advocated to do so. However, it simply is not a good idea. We have to have a warm up game with 90%+ chance of winning – check. A game with more interest than random cupcakes – check. A game that that boosts the strength of schedule more than cupcakes – check. We also for many multiple reasons can not ever even appear anti Mormon. If I can make it through a decade like the 80s when literally 75% of all SLC downtown companies were Y fans and annoying beyond belief, I think we can all get thru it now since it is balanced and the U is winning. I suppose for the old timers beating the Y will not bet old. And it is a easy road game. If it settles in like CU vs CSU so be it.

      • #148163

        Thanks for that post. I appreciated the background, in fact you may have moved me from the “let’s dump them” camp to the “let’s schedule iunless we have FL, Mich, etc” camp.

        • #148192

          One odd favorite game was when a U cheerleader was running thru the north end zone in Provo after a U touchdown with a big flag. A Y fan came out of the stands to tackle him. When the fan would not let up the cheerleader rolled over on him and started to pound him into the turf. So funny to see the cop in the corner drop a drink to go out and break it up only after the cheerleader began to fight back. We won that game but I really enjoyed Steve Smith’s comments on the radio on the way home… ‘even our cheerleaders were beating them today’.

    • #148178

      You’re absolutely correct Dresden.  Playing the zoobs does nothing for us, our team, nor our recruiting.  It’s time we either force them to submit to a 2-for-1 with us, or tell ’em to go play somebody else.

      And for all those of you who still want to play that game, ask yourself this question…

      If the shoe were on the other foot, what would ybU-p have done to us about the continuation of this series?

      ** HINTSee all those 2-for-1’s and series pauses in their series with Utah State prior to leaving the MWC.

      • #148184
        Central Coast Ute

        Exactly this. They are already on record treating USU this way and no one in the legislature did anything about it.
        For those that are afraid of appearing anti-Mormon, ask yourselves this, would an anti-mormon’s organization be ok with their highest paid employee being Mormon? I think not.

    • #148689

      After 40 years as an adult watch Utah-BYU games

      The reasons BYU is the better team now:
      – BYU dominance in the 70s/80s – old news
      – 1984 National Champions – by vote, not by beating the better teams – a good team no doubt
      – “.. the Lord steps in… Magic “happens”, not fit but for “pumping my gas” – player mindset
      – the Refs – pick any recent loss.
      – The Utes forfeited in 2020.

      The reasons UTAH is the better team now:
      – The scoreboard, the last 10+ years

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