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My favorite sport has always been college football

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    • #122176
      6 1

      I am growing more and more concerned that we will not have a college football season in 2020.  The things working against it:

      – Very little spring practice

      – This should be the time that players are weight training and getting in shape.  Is any of this being done with social distancing.

      – I don’t see the number of cases going down anytime soon

      – The Olympics have been postponed

      I would hate to see the season be canceled.  But, so many people are calling for more closures, not less.  Why would we have any reason to believe that things will be back to normal by summer?

      I am getting more frustrated daily with all of this.  As I posted before – I, personally will be fine.  However, each of my children has lost or will likely lose their jobs in the weeks to come.  How do we as a country survive this?  We will survive the virus, but it will take us many years to bounce back economically if something doesn’t give soon.

      I hope we soon see some medical breakthroughs that will make a huge difference quickly.



    • #122178
      Tony (admin)

      I hope you’re wrong. I fear you’re right. 

    • #122179

      Sure seems that we’re headed that way. For now; it seems like my job is secure. But if this economic downturn is slated to continue as we expect, there’s a good chance I’ll be out of a job. I’m unfortunately having to make a decision that renewing my season tickets just isn’t the financially prudent decision right now with all this uncertainty. It sucks.

      Ultimately, I do think we need to continue social distancing/isolating. The next few weeks are going to be very telling in terms of if we can catch up and be like South Korea, or if we’re going to be like Italy.

      Tough times. Be good to one another and I hope that somehow we’ll be tailgating come September.

      • #122180
        4 3

        The sad reality is, we’re already a week ahead of Italy’s trajectory. We’ve already failed at flattening and spreading, unfortunately. The flattening and spreading is what would have cost football season.

        Sadly, at this rate we will have a football season because the apex in this country will be over by mid-April. By the time September rolls around, everyone will have had it so we’ll all either be recovered or dead. I expect football season to happen.

        Sorry to p**s in everyone’s cereal, but the R0 value in America is currently over 3 and we’re doubling the number of cases every 2.7 days. These are just the facts. COVID will be over very quickly, but unfortunately, very catastrophically.

        • #122186

          Part of that rise is artificial because testing in large numbers was just getting started late last week and those results are coming in the last few days and will continue this week.  There may have been 10 or a 100 cases undetected for each one detected back a week or more ago.  For example I think there were a ton of latent cases in NYC and due to people who had travelled into NYC from Italy, for example, and then those that travelled out of there that were going undetected.  FINALLY they are calling that out.   Hopefully other areas of the country learn from that and its not too late to stop this thing.

    • #122182
      2 5

      I hope things get back to normal by Easter. That is what trump is shooting for. Of everyone does what they are supposed too we should know the cases by then.

      • #122185
        6 1

        “back to normal” by April 12 is an absolute pipe dream.  USA did not really get going on this thing until March 10 or so; there’s going to be at least 2 months of disruptions.  Is mid-May in the cards to begin easing some restrictions?  Maybe.

      • #122190

        The only way we’ll be back to normal by Easter is if we all die before then and come back to life no worse for wear.

      • #122236
        2 1

        Trumps a f**kin moron.

    • #122183

      *If Since this thing takes two weeks to show.

    • #122184

      The hardest hit area of China is just now getting back to work and opening-up to the outside.   The shutdown lasted about 2 months.   If what the US is doing (more or less, depending where you live) is working, it may avert a breakdown of the medical system, but in doing so may extend the effect out to 3 months or more. 

       I think the Olympics post-poned because its a global event and the waves of infection are timed differently for different parts of the world.  That is affecting preparations, including training schedules, maybe even sponsor commitments — where I live they just cancelled a July bicycle race event; I heard one of the reasons was that sponsors did not want to commit money and people.  No visibility at the moment.

      What is going to be tough is when to say things can go back to normal — there will be a fear of a resurgence in the fall and/or a few weeks after restrictions are lifted.  I think its going to depend on 2 big things — 1) can we find, difinitively, an effective treatment for the virus and 2) when can a vaccine be ready.   Fall is probably very optimistic for a proven vaccine, so large venue events could be at risk through the fall.  We live in an amazing technology world, so maybe the whole world working together with today’s technology can speed-up the vaccine process significantly — I’m hopeful!

    • #122188
      7 2

      Until a vaccine is created this WORLDWIDE pandemic will continue. Sorry to be the downer, but society will not return to normal by Easter… That’s highly wishful thinking.

    • #122189
      3 6

      Hopefully you make it to China this summer. FFS, look at 2009. Are you guys nuts??? We will be up and running in weeks, not months. This is all ridiculous.

    • #122231
      Central Coast Ute

      Hans Olsen was talking about this about a week ago. He said he spoke with some people, like administrators and coaches, but not players because they really don’t know, about next season. According to him, they all say the season has to happen. There’s too much money at stake. Even if that means they play at an empty stadium. He didn’t name any names so take it for what it’s worth but what he said makes sense.

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