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My take on a new OC:

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    • #20967

      The NCAA will vote to allow teams to hire another coach. 

      I’d wait until that vote happens. If/when they vote to expand the coaching staff, I’d hire a QB coach. 

      Let this OC duo have a full season with the same QB. Troy was hurt all of spring ball. Let’s see what they can do with a real QB coach, real QB depth and some continuity. 

    • #20981

      One of my biggest gripes about the current coaching setup is split time. The 2 most important positions on Offense are the o-line and the quarterback. We have Harding and A-Rod both trying to split their time between coaching those groups and their play calling responsibilities. If we have to have a coordinator do double duty, I’d rather it be play calling and something like running backs / tight ends.

      • #21005

        I agree with the OC’s splitting time and the QB’s/O-line getting half the attention from their coach as they should.  I just don’t understand KWhitt…  You have a former top NFL Quarterback that is an alum of your school, has a s**t ton of knowlege on playing QB at the highest levels possible, who is practically begging to be hired as a QB coach for the Utes.  He has said many times on live radio (ESPN 700 AM) that he would be more then happy to join the Utes staff as a QB Coach!  After listening to him on ESPN 700 this past year talk about football and in particular the QB position, I am sold on him.  I would be beyond happy if Whittingham made this hire!  It’s a splashy hire that would help Offensive recruiting and most certainly bring the level of Quarterback play up for the team.  Let’s just hope that when the NCAA allows teams to hire one more coach that Whitt goes out and hires Scott Mitchell for QB coach!   

    • #21038
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