My view from NEZ

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    • #174231

      First off man did it feel nice to be back in NEZ. The crowd was so nice. It is still weird to see the MUSS have the empty spots because everyone fills in further down. Wish we could get that figured out. Tailgate was so fun.

      My opinions on the game.

      Rising hasn’t surpassed any game from the 2021 season. But this was his best game of the year. He read his rushes correctly. Made some great reads. Few of his early throws were slightly off. Overal great game.

      Vele is damn near unguardable. His flex touchdown when he dragged defenders in was so beautiful. Big boy play.

      Dixon. We have a replacement for Kuithe I think. His end around touch down was not only a perfect play call. But he was so quick on his reads. The two lineman pulled to clear the way. OSU defensive backs wanted nothing to do with those big guys rumbling Dixon in.

      Clark Phillips!! Wow. All I can say is P12 DPOW. Damn did he have a day. They did not respect him at all. Either OSU QBs are dumb or they don’t watch film.

      Some of the DE lineups were confusing. O’Toole feels like the best with Reid. Van Fillinger needs to watch more film. I think most of the 1st quarter QB reads went past his crashing.

      Hubert’s pick was read presnap. He basically baited that read and I think the QB couldn’t see him at all because of the endzone and uni colors. From the reverse I literally could see him sit on that pick. The qb watched that pick right into what Hubert wanted.

      Penalties. This was rough. Rising jaw jacking was because they threw his cleat after a rush he had. It should have been an unsportsmanlike on the OSO defender.

      I will say 50/50 on the penalties. Refs were ass. I usually think that most games in the p12. But inside the stadium is like a humongous bias against them.

      Special teams. Rough. Really rough. They have to figure this out before fUCLA and u$c. I only counted one touchback. It feels like design but the bad punt and kick out of bounds are frustrating. OSU stayed motivated because of s**t special teams.

      I am tired and sunburnt. Love the Utes and fans I sat around.

      GO UTES!!

    • #174232
      • #174252

        14:52 you can see the osu dick throw risings shoe. Was the face mask on CP3 legit? I couldn’t tell from my seats 

        • #174255
          Charlie Foxtrot

          On TV they showed the replay, but the receivers back was to the camera so you can’t actually tell if CP3 grabbed the face mask or not.  His hand wasn’t up in the face area for very long, so I have to think it was incidental and he happened to rake the facemask while hand fighting or something.

        • #174266

          Couldn’t see from my angle. Those refs were ass though. 

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