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National Championship

Beat Arizona Forums Utah Utes Sports Football National Championship

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    • #168537

      Should Utah claim a share of the national title in the 2008-2009 season?
      Only unbeaten team
      Did not play in the BCS Championship
      Beat a one loss Alabama team in the sugar bowl by a good margin
      Went to Michigan and won
      Beat ranked TCU and TDS
      If you do claim it, do we hang a banner or something?
      If you don’t think we deserve it, why?

      Listening to the “voice of college football” on YouTube going year by year of who should and shouldn’t claim national titles is interesting. He said in 08 Utah should have claim to it.

    • #168539
      15 1
      Larry B

      Should we have been in the Championship game? Absolutely. To say that the ONLY undefeated team in college football shouldn’t play for the championship is absurd. But to try and claim a championship that we didn’t win feels really zoobish IMO.

      • #168541

        A lot of universities do claim titles they don’t deserve though. Alabama especially, the fact the ncaa and pac-12 both recognize it should be enough for us

      • #168542
        2 2

        But yeah there is some zoobness to it

    • #168540
      10 2

      Love that team, but no way we get through a P5 schedule unbeaten.

      • #168544
        3 2

        This. Exactly this. 

      • #168548

        Pure speculation and conjecture and therefore an irrelevant argument

      • #168633

        That year, I don’t know. The P10 was soft that year. Only SC was great. We beat the only team to beat them (OSU). TCU was better than Oregon that year, IMO (commin opponent of BSU kind of showed that). I think WYO beat UCLA in the Vegas that year as well. It was a very strong MWC and a mediocre P10 that year. Only question in my mind os more around injuries. I think Utah vs. USC could have gone either way with the winner maybe getting the NC game instead of rhe Rose. 2008 Utah DESERVED to play for a natty. Just like TCU in 2010 deserved a shot at a Natty.

    • #168543
      Roy Rangum

      While I don’t know that we should hang a banner, the NCAA already considers the 2008 Utes a national champion.

      Trib Article

    • #168546

      100% we should. When polls that are considered major selectors had the Utes as National Champions that year, I see no reason why we shouldn’t claim it. The Utes did everything asked of them that year.  The hypothetical arguments like, “well, we didn’t play a p5 schedule and wouldn’t have gone undefeated” are completely irrelevant because it’s all just conjecture and assumption. 

      • #168547
      • #168550
        1 2

        I see what you’re saying, but I have eyeballs and I see the toll a P5 schedule takes on a team throughout the year.  Our first few years of being in the Pac12 had some harsh Novembers as we’d run out of steam and depth.  I saw no reason that we shouldn’t have been considered for the mythical championship back then, but I do now.  I’ve changed my tune on that.  To be honest, laying claim to that championship seems bush league and Zoobish.  

        We were freaking good though and absolutely deserved to be in the conversation.

      • #168551

        Agreed that it should be claimed. The primary argument against it seems to be that we would not have been undefeated if we played in a bigger conference. 

        So what?

        Look back at the NC teams before the BCS or playoffs. The schools that got those championships did not go through a playoff system or necessarily play the hardest schedules. Do those schools revoke their championships because they would not have survived in a better conference? 

        It was always just a beauty contest. And there are some polls (i.e., beauty contest judges) that named Utah the national champion. 

        Saying Utah would not have done well enough in a major conference is irrelevant. They won every game. That is undisputable. Saying they would have lost with a different schedule is both speculation and irrelevant. You could speculate about that with any team (i.e., if X team had played Y team that year, they never would have won the NC).

        I say claim it. No need to be obnoxious about it. But barring a playoff, it is just a beauty contest, and there were some judges of that contest that said we were the best. No reason why those polls should have any less credibility than others. 

        • #168557

          In ‘08 we beat some decent P5 teams but our wins against TCU and TDS were very good wins. Remember how dominant that TCU team was in ‘09 and ‘10?

          • #168565

            After Alabama, TCU was easily our strongest opponent in 2008


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