NCAA athletes making money could be good for college football, Utah

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football NCAA athletes making money could be good for college football, Utah

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    • #110845
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      Tony (admin)

      Hear me out on this. The super 5* amazing players will go to the NFL, often before they have completed their 4 years. Some players try to go pro early, but don’t get drafted or don’t get that big money, losing their eligibility. THOSE players may be more inclined to stay in college if they’re making some money. Thoughts?

    • #110846

      There may be positives to doing this, sure. But the net effect is going to be negative. I don’t think most college freshmen – especially those who come from poor families – are going to cope well with suddenly having lots of money. I see much more potential for off-field problems (drugs, partying, etc.).

      • #110850
        Tony (admin)

        For sure there will be negatives. How about student athletes getting agents? Lots of phony agents will be popping up and screwing naive athletes out of their money.

    • #110847

      I’m super curious about how all of this is supposed to work.  What’s to stop an Alabama car dealer from paying a 5-star Alabama QB recruit $1,000,000 to make a few “appearances” on behalf of the dealership?  Where do they draw the line?  Hell, I’m sure it’s already going on.  If nothing else, at least it brings it above the table ;).

      • #110854

        the SEC (surely ever cheating) lead the push for “greater autonomy” creating the idea of P-5 and G-5. They will always push the boundaries, even after caught cheating.

    • #110851

      Can I buy the jersey of my favorite 20 year old now?

      Merchandise revenue is now a part of a 17 year old’s school decision.

      Is there an agent market for high school athletes yet?

      If you thought U of Pay was a problem before, good luck now. 

    • #110899

      Some SEC players may take a pay cut to go to the NFL? 😉

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