Arizona State @  Utah

Needs Improvement

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    • #101611
      Tony (admin)

      1. Kicking? OMG that was a nightmare. Badly missed FG and extra point. That makes it 34-12.
      2. Couple of drops right in the bread basket (including one defensively). Flashbacks of last year. Gotta catch those.
      3. Better start. We were flat offensively in the first half. Not unexpected.


    • #101616

      Redding hasn’t had chances. Whitt talked about it in post game. He was leading during camp but was injured the past few weeks. It is a very similar story to Gay.  I ain’t worried. 

      Drops. Yes. I am curious why Fotheringham wasn’t targeted. Ludwig was vanilla and he is already scheming for USC. These are just tune ups for that game. 

      Utah’s offense was ok. Huntley and Moss said they were admittedly surprised by the three man front. Halftime adjustments blew TDS up easily. 

    • #101617

      yeah… if BYU had kicked the EP instead of going for two, and if we had made ours, plus scored on that last drive like many coaches would have, I would have been right on with my prediction… oh well.

      We need to get the kicking figured out, at least the extra points, that was pathetic. We have truly been spoiled in recent history.

    • #101621

      Better start: Not worried about it. First games are always weird.
      Drops: Not worried about it. Kuithe will be coached about that. His brain was already in the endzone when he went to make that catch. Totally fixable.
      Kicking game: Worried about it.

    • #101629

      I don’t know why. But I think Jason redding will be fine. Whit said he was the kicker until he got Hurt. Whitt used mercy last night night. Easily could have been 41-12 and if Burgess picks that ball 41-9. But 30-12 is TDS is good. I think they’re better than people think.

    • #101630

      The kicking game was bad but did anyone really think it would be as good as it has been? 

      I agree that the offense was probably very vanilla and will be until we get to conference play. I would have loved to see a few more downfield passes early in the game but when Moss took over, we didn’t need them.

      I think it is safe to say that the Covey of old is not something we will see again. He is no where near 100% and I don’t think we will seem him be the same. He did have that good punt return but didn’t do much else. I just don’t seem him being the same player unless he is only like 70% now, which means still a ways to go to be fully healthy.

      • #101640
        Tony (admin)

        Of course not, but missing extra points is not an option.


      • #101644
        Wilson’s Mustache

        Omg talk about WAY overreacting. Nothing in that game says Covey won’t be the same. He look very good returning the ball. Huntley threw 16 times all game and 90% of them were to TEs and the RBs. Yeeesh this is a bad take.

      • #101652

        Indeed we’ve been fortunate to have had “automatic” Andy Phillps followed by Matt Gay, both of whom won many awards.    But last night was really unsettling.  Would hate to lose a key Pac-12 battle due to a missed PAT.



    • #101665

      In the “needs improvement” category, I would also add 3rd down conversions. 23% last night is “poo poo”.

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