New Ute Hub App Approved On All Platforms!

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    • #58469
      Tony (admin)

      WOOOT! The newest version of the Ute Hub app has been approved by both app platforms and should be showing up for you to update soon! Here’s a list of what’s new:

      1. Threaded reply tree makes it easy to see who is replying to who
      2. Cleaner topic/reply layout
      3. Speed improvement in topic/reply threads
      4. Reply composition improved. Reply dialog now is in a full window.
      5. SEARCH6. More secure authentication/login/logout etc
      6. Double post fix attempt

    • #58473

      even Battleground’s Commodore 64?

    • #58487

      Posting from the new version of the app! Looks nice and clean so far. Thank you for the continued dedication and support, @Tony. 

      • #58493
        Tony (admin)

        I’m on the bride’s iPhone7 and there’s some weirdness.  Hope it is just an isolated thing.

        • #58494
          Tony (admin)

          Need a fundraiser to get me an iOS device for testing to avoid this.  BOOOOO. 

        • #58499
          Tony (admin)

          UGH. Major bug found. Fixing now. 

          • #58520

            I updated on my I7 and every time I try to look at the Latest Topics (or any in the menu) I get a red diamond with an i and it says “Error fetching data.  Internet connection required?  Check your connection , then click reload below.”  

            I’m connected to the internet.

            • #58526
              Tony (admin)

              I just updated my device and something similar happened. I think I logged out and back in or something. Give that a try.  I found one other bug with the reply dialogs which are new.  If scrolled down a ways the dialog is opening off screen.  Dammit.  It seems the reply dialog is going to the top of the scroll instead of the top of the screen.  This update has been quite a PITA.

    • #58536
      Tony (admin)

      I’ve had to squash several bugs on this new release this week. There have been two bug fix updates in the last two days which I’ve pushed up to the app stores.  As of this morning, all known issues are fixed and we should be good to go (knocks on wood).  Update to the latest version of the app today.  You might want to logout first.

      • #58539

        Doesn’t work at all on Android…

        • #58548
          Tony (admin)

          Running great on my Android. Maybe delete the app and reinstall it.  

          • #58549

            I had done that but it still didn’t work yesterday. Must have updated overnight because it’s working fine now. Great work dude, love the product

            • #58558
              Tony (admin)

              Yeah it can sometimes take a bit for the update to appear for all users.

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