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NFL season starts tonight

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Professional Sports NFL NFL season starts tonight

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    • #128657
      Tony (admin)

      Anyone interested? I’m undecided. Haven’t been an NFL fan for many years, but wondering if watching can help fill the Utah football void a bit. 

    • #128658

      Indifferent as well. Watched a few NBA playoff games and those were better than I had anticipated, maybe NFL will be the same? 

    • #128659

      Moss should get a number of carries per game. Perhaps, watch Bills games?
      You could come hang with us at the Cheerful Bullpen on Sundays.

    • #128660

      I kind of stopped watching NFL for a while but got back involved with fantasy football and now I’m locked in every Sunday. 


      • #128661

        Been watching a bit of NBA/NHL at times but it’s a bit stale with no fans at all.  What’s the fan situation for NFL? 



        • #128663
          Tony (admin)

          NFL fan situation is all over the board. Some teams have no fans all season.  Some have fans, but limited capacity…

    • #128662

      I’m really grateful that the PGA has extended its big tournaments into the fall…  NFL.  Meh.

    • #128669
      Central Coast Ute

      I’m interested in only the Bills. I won’t pay for Sunday Ticket, but if the Bills are on national TV, I’ll watch.

    • #128672
      13 4

      I cannot watch pro sports with major cities on fire and spoiled athletes stoking the flames. Immediately claiming racism and making it part of the games without knowing any of the facts is another main driver for me. Any sport that plays a different national anthem prior to the games will not get a second of my time.

      • #128677
        2 8

        Sounds like you’re assuming there isnt a racial problem without knowing any of the facts. How is that any better? How do you know they don’t know any of the facts? Are you saying they can’t read or make informed decisions because they are athletes?

        They’ve lived in this country as a minority and experianced the realities of systemic racial injustices in law enforcement. That makes them well qualified to have an opinion.

        • #128689

          Learn to spell, then I’ll read the rest of your post. Also, pretty racist of you to drum up illiterate athletes when I never made mention of that at all. Stereotype much?

          • #128692
            1 4

            You clearly read all of my post or you wouldn’t have been able to comment on the last senescence. Sick burn. You’ve rendred my argument null and void because you found a typo. You must be a real good time at parties. Although, it sounds like you’re more of a rally kind of guy.

            • #128693

              *Proceeds to misspell multiple words in his next post. 😂

              • #128703
                2 4

                Still thinks that spelling is relevent on an internet forum. 🤣😂

          • #128704
            1 3

            Way to defer, 22! You’re not going to address someone’s post because of spelling? That’s such a cop out. Not to mention the egregious twisting of words.

            Answer me this:

            What facts don’t they know? What makes you think you have the facts that they don’t have? How can we get these facts? Is my spelling good enough for you?

            • #128706
              4 1

              Sure, I’m grateful you are able to put a coherent sentence together. This is a really easy question. Remember the athletes clamoring for Jacob Blake? “Justice for Jacob Blake” prior to any details being released? Well, pretty bad miss by them considering the fact that he was wanted for sexual assault, fought with the police, resisted arrest, was tased and still tried to grab a knife in his car before he was shot. There you have it. A whole bunch of facts for you that were pretty slow to be released but every sport/athlete was outraged prior to knowing a single detail about it.

              Pretty embarrassing how bad some of you guys are at logic.

            • #128723
              3 1
              Central Coast Ute

              He’s only pointing out the spelling because utemtnbiker went after someone for it and put them down, rather rudely. Typical. 22 is pointing out the hypocrisy there, which is also typical of mtnbiker. In other words, what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.

      • #128681
        1 8

        Yikes. I don’t know what’s worse, this post or so many people upvoted it. Why are they spoiled? Because they work their asses off to make it to the NFL/NBA/etc? They put in 20+ hours a week into in high school and 80+ in college and now it’s their full time job? I bet if you logged hours worked, they would have put in a lot more time into their profession at 25 than you have…then most of us have. The spoiled person to me, is the one whining about how awful it is that someone else wants the same respect and treatement that they recieve. 

        Who is immediately claiming racism and making a part of games without facts? When in reality, the facts back them up. Now, you can choose to ignore those facts and live in fantasy land that makes you feel good, but it doesn’t change those facts. 

        Why do we play a national anthem before games? It wasn’t a national anthem until 1918, almost 150 years after the declaration of independence. It wasn’t played consistently before games until 1945. It’s not like this is some time honored tradition that has been going on since day one. It’s a reatively new thing. Most European countries don’t play their national anthem before events. Why do we do it? It’s silly when you take a step back and think about it. A bunch of people standing around listening to music bored, waiting for it to end? 

        And finally, this country is founded on protests. Do you not know what happened pre-Dec of Independence? Do you not go back through history and see that most every change for good started with protests? If not for protests, we’d be British with slaves and no women’s rights. 

        Protesting is as mother f**king American as it gets. And usually because many of us refuse to listen when people have legitimate grievances and dig in our heels instead of being Christlike and helping each other out and trying to be decent humans. Imagine how different this country would be right now if we would have listened to Kaepernick when he kneeled and made changes? And yet, you wonder why people protest? 

        Because no one listens…like you’ve shown with your ignorant post. 

        12 upvotes? I’m disappointed. 

        • #128682
          1 8

          Want more proof this isn’t about the flag or the anthem? They waited until after the anthem was sung and did a moment of UNITY. UNITY. COMING TOGETHER. 

          And people booed. Who the hell boo’s unity? 

          Hard to believe people when they say this isn’t about racism and not the flag. They have done everything you have asked, politely and peacefully, and people BOO’ED. And then did the racist tomahawk chop. 


          • #128685
            9 1

            They weren’t booing unity. They were booing tacit support for the riots under the guise of unity.

        • #128684
          9 1

          Where in Great Britain do they have slaves? Which women in Great Britain don’t have any rights?

          And what protests? Smashing windows. Burning down buildings. Assaulting people. Looting. Throwing molotov c**ktails and other explosives at the police. Killing people. These are not the activities of a protest. They are the actions of rioters.

          Talk about ignorance.

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