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NIL Announcement Tomorrow

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football NIL Announcement Tomorrow

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    • #198972

      It looks like every guy on the Football team is going to get a bran new 2024 Ram Truck. I guess Sports Business Journal had their article already written and someone was able to find it stashed on the internet. Announcement will happen tomorrow.


    • #198973

      So it sounds like the walk-one aren’t getting anything?

    • #198977

      If true I am glad that Utah is playing this game and keeping up with the Joneses for the time being. I am all for these guys being compensated but we need to get some fair play rules or this whole thing will run away from us.

      • #199011

        It already has. College football as we know and love is done. 2 minor league divisions will break from the ncaa in the next couple of years and that will be it. Players won’t even have to enroll, get passing grades, etc.

    • #198980
      3 11

      Why do people have enough money to give a brand-new truck to that many people? SOOOOOO much good could be done with that amount of money.

      Not a fan.

      • #198987

        I have to admit that if I had that much money, I would likely be donating to charities like TTT, anti domestic violence charities, etc. I hate the NIL overall because it has become something that was not intended. However, for Utah to stay relevant, they must play the game. But, I will spend my charity dollars elsewhere. I love football, but deep down I know there are more important causes.

      • #199012
        3 4

        You mean like all of the things our government should be paying for but somehow manages to pass on to non profits funded by wealthy people as a way to pay less taxes?

        • #199021
          2 1

          Yes. The government and wealthy people could all do much more than they are to help people.

      • #199084

        I wish we didn’t have to do this, too, but it’s the price of success. I rode to class on my mountain bike from married student housing through all the weather. Senior year, we had our first, so I purchased a car for our little family. I miss those days; life was so simple. Grandkids are the best. Too sentimental, but GO UTES!

    • #198982
      3 18

      Plus, trucks are a bad choice for kids living in an urban area with bad air and not enough parking.

      • #199014

        Car pollution makes up about 1% of carbon omissions. The US military and 100 global corporations make up about 80%. A few hundred pick up trucks aren’t going to make a difference. Probably just leases anyway.

      • #199041

        The plant down by Beck st with the 25 foot flame shooting out the top of it 24/7 probably isn’t helping either.

    • #198990
      13 1

      I’m all for rewarding those who want to play here; but there should be a stipulation that says, If you enter the transfer portal, the truck stays here and it goes to someone else.

      • #199013
        Tony (admin)

        6 month leases. Void if player transfers or eligibility expires.

    • #198992

      Looks like it is just a lease and just for the time they remain playing here on scholarship.

    • #199008
      J Rocksville

      I’m sure Dodge or whoever the dealer is will be giving a sweet deal to the collective, and I’d further bet that there are pretty strict rules for how far and how hard those trucks can be driven.

      But it’s pretty cool anyway.

    • #199015

      This is a great tweet:

      Here are the trucks:

      • #199020
        2 7
        2008 National Champ

        Not a real good deal for the players. 85 players essentially advertising 24/7 unless they park that monstrosity in a garage. If you want me to advertise your product, it’s done on my schedule and for financial compensation. If you want me to drive around in a clown car – because of the paint job, not because it’s a dodge – I’ll find my money elsewhere.

        • #199027
          Central Coast Ute

          I doubt they sign a contract that says they have to drive. If they hate it or demand compensation after being given a truck, they can just park it.

        • #199042
          Dog luuver26

          The other aren’t wrapped in their photos, so guesing that was just a prop.

          • #199067
            1 3
            2008 National Champ

            I would hope so. Can you imagine 85 of those outside the practice facility? I’ll take the cash equivalent and drive a car/truck that I want to.

            Bigger question is who carries the liability on the lease? We’re talking college aged kids who typically can’t pony up full coverage on a $38,000 vehicle (MSRP on a base model 2024 Dodge Ram 1550 Quad Cab). How about if I run down to Wendy’s on 400 S between classes and drip ketchup on the seats? Or a rock hits the windshield. Driving around something that I can’t afford to fix, fill up, or maintain doesn’t sound appetizing. And that’s before it can be taken back every 6 months.

            • #199073
              2008 National Champ

              There are 3 posts at Utezone on this announcement: here’s one with the pertinent details.

              I do estimating and estimate assurance as part of my job so picking through the details comes naturally. Here’s the rundown.

              1. The article(s) state that the value of the deal is “roughly 6 MM”.
              …a. 85 players x $61,000 = 5.185 MM. Not in any realm of rounding is that roughly 6 MM
              …b. The 6 MM figure assumes the trucks were purchased at sticker price. Instead these are leases
              ……1. A standard 5 year lease would be $1,106.67 per month.
              ……2. 85 players x 6 month lease x 1,106.67 = $ 518,500
              ……3. Unless the Crimson Club is committing to paying full leases, this deal does not come anywhere close to 6 MM
              2. Matt Garff
              …a. The article notes that he is a founding member of the Crimson Club
              …b. This deal guarantees income for his dealership as long as he is willing to continue
              …c. $ 518,500 every 6 months is a nice gross for his business
              …d. If this was a politician giving business to himself, it would be an ethics violation worthy of removal from office
              3. Insurance
              …a. The article states that the Crimson Club will be footing the bill
              …b. What are the odds that the insurance provider will also be associated with the Crimson Club?
              …c. If we assume $500.00, 6 months premiums (which should be high) we get 85 x 500 = $42,500
              …d. Insurance plus sticker price of the trucks still does not get us anywhere 6 MM
              4. The Players
              …a. Must have good driving records to qualify
              ……1. Define “good record”. No accidents whether at fault or not? No tickets?
              …b. Are there limitations on where and when the vehicles can be driven?
              ……1. Must the trucks stay in state?
              ……2. Can the players take them home (out of state) during breaks?
              …c. The 6 month lease
              ……1. First lease if started November 1 would end April 30, before the end of school year (I think)
              ……2. Is there any guarantee that if a player meets the conditions, that the program won’t end?
              ……3. Does one of two bad apples ruin it for everyone?
              …d. This is not an asset that the players can use to their benefit, i.e. resale

              Ultimately, for promoting the Crimson Club the players get to borrow a car for 6 month increments. Granted, it’s a nice car, but it is not a tangible asset since Garff still owns each of the trucks. At the end of the day, Garff is the only one who receives a true benefit from this deal. He gets the income, he gets to look like a great guy in the press. The players are used as pawns while he pays himself from the non-profit he founded.

              At least in the old days, when Bob’s Used Cars gave out $100 handshakes, the players got paid. Christ, when the parochial school had Bit Bars (Better Bars, Breakfast Bars, whatever the name of the company was) give a benefit to the entire roster, it was in $$$ instead of protein bars that the players had to give back as good as they got them.

              Edit: I need to figure out how to indent on here. that is ugly

              • #199089
                Central Coast Ute

                And to top it off, because it’s a lease, Garff gets to sell them again and make a huge profit. Especially given the price of a used truck these days. However, the players do get to have a free truck for six months. I just hope they aren’t limited in miles like a typical lease.

            • #199074
              9 1

              You’d be a blast at parties….

              Semi friendly correction if you’re so good at details you might want to state it’s the Crimson Collective not the Crimson Club. I appreciate that some loyal Ute boosters (including me) are trying to direct some extremely valuable attention to our program in this ever changing ultra competitive NIL environment on a national scale. I’m sorry you weren’t in the meeting with KW when he stated he’s excited for this new idea and hopes it’ll help bolster our program. I’m sorry it didn’t meet your expectations. You’re right. It’s all a scam

            • #199095
              1 2

              Worse, crash and kill yourself or someone else. Give them a monthly stipend is my suggestion.

              • #199102
                Central Coast Ute

                Most of them are driving some sort of vehicle. I’d rather be in accident in one of those trucks than some roller skate. They’ll be fine.

    • #199019

      When it happened.


    • #199022
      5 1

      Did I hear a “brand new 2004 Dodge Ram” ?
      This is awesome! Glad we are stepping up in the NIL area. Grateful for the Garff family! I’m sure their pulling strings on this!

      • #199023

        HAHA – yeah, Sly said 2004 instead of 2024.

    • #199040

      That is pretty cool and I am sure not the last NIL announcement we will see like this from Utah and other colleges.

      In the near future will the truck help Cam Rising play against Cal?

      • #199044

        It should help him get through the line.

    • #199045

      With all our injuries, we have a lot of players that need someway to get around.

      • #199061

        I was expecting a joke about this being too late, as if this was done earlier it could’ve prevented Micah Bernard from his scooter injury.

    • #199071

      Seems all good. The wonderful thing is people with money actually get to do something that is of their choice. My guess most of those that contributed also give to many other causes and likely give more than those that question their choice. It is important that no one comes to expect giving from others.

    • #199091

      I’m surprised how salty some people have been. It’s even rubbed some Ute fans the wrong way

      • #199097
        1 1

        I think the gesture is what counts obviously.

        But many kids don’t like to drive now days.

        The practical use of a truck on campus in Salt Lake and surrounding area is a headache. I wouldn’t take my F150 around Salt Lake. Parking sucks and the stalls are way too small.

        Insurance seems like it would be way high for that age of kid on that particular vehicle. So many cons that I just don’t understand the practicality of it all.

        • #199103
          Central Coast Ute

          The CC is also paying the insurance.

          • #199128

            I didn’t think the kids were paying. I just said the cost to insure a bunch of college kids seems like it would be high.
            Since they are leases I wonder if they get a fleet card for the gas as well.

            I said it is an overall positive thing. Just the obvious cons don’t make wise. When it comes to these things I get it. Practicality doesn’t enter into the equation.

            I am getting tired of this whole being critical means you are against trend on this site. Critical thinking really is unwelcome in 2023.

            • #199132
              Central Coast Ute

              I didn’t think pointing out that the CC is paying the insurance was the same as saying that you must be against this. Or that you shouldn’t use critical thinking.
              My assumption is the kids buy their own gas. Leases typically come with a mileage cap anyway.
              Again, this is what the money was set aside for. I’m sure the CC crunched the numbers before going ahead with it.

      • #199099

        Just blows my mind that a company (or individual) wealthy enough to do this would choose to do it for people that are not in need of such things. There are so many people for whom a reliable car would be life-changing, and NOBODY is willing to help them out because giving to the poor somehow sets a bad precedent, but giving gratuitously to kids who are already getting a free education and getting paid money to play a game is somehow not a bad precedent.

        I don’t think these players getting truck leases is a BAD thing, I just think the resources going to these people could be going to people who need it far far more.

        Why can’t companies like Dodge (or whatever dealership organized the deal) reward struggling families for advertising their product? Give a minivan lease to a struggling family and film their reaction. The internet eats that stuff up.

        Football is fun to watch, but the fact that our society values it more than helping those in need is sickening. When everyone in the world has everything they need I will consider donating money to an athletic program.

        • #199104
          Central Coast Ute

          It’s not being paid for by a company or individual. It’s paid for by the Crimson Collective. I’m not sure why you keep harping on this. That money was donated by people specifically for this purpose. Not sure why you think it’s any of your business what people do with their money.

        • #199105

          It is a wonderful thing that you can choose to give where you feel it is best. You probably would not be open to strangers telling you what you should do related to giving. Part of giving is freedom to support the cause you personally want to support. Some will choose to build a stadium, some will support a specific department at the university, some will support the arts or niche humanitarian programs, and some will support a sports team. But I should not expect the giving by others to follow my own priorities. I would like to see the marching band go on scholarship.

          It may not be best for people to pay Taylor Swift so much for her work, but many choose to do so. The football team also has a market value for their work. Their work has unique value and when compared to other entertainers and they likely receive a very small percentage of their value. Next, we will see that some athletes will have great entertainment value while others have very little even when their effort is equal. Much like we all go to work and the market sets our compensation as opposed to a grand fairness process.

          I want to respect that ones giving is their decision. I can also assume these donors are involved in more than just football.

    • #199108

      This was on the news last night here in Denver. Tell me that isn’t a good thing. With all the Prime news it is great for the U of U football program to get this kind of publicity. I wouldn’t doubt this hit some other news outlets. No such thing as bad publicity is what “they” say…

      As for charity and philanthropy, I think the government is the worst possible distributor of these types of activities. Very ineffective and extremely inefficient. Wealthy individuals and non-profits are much better at filling that need. (Call me a Druckerite)

    • #199113
      5 1

      Utah Fans: “Utah will never compete with the big schools that are giving tons of NIL $$ to their players… Utah fans need to step up with their wallets… Utah will never get good press regarding NIL to benefit recruiting and retention of players…”

      Also Utah Fans: “Lending trucks to Utah football players is unsafe… Program boosters should give their money to the poor, not fund a vehicle for the football players… Lending football players a truck is bad for the environment.”

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