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NIL strikes again

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football NIL strikes again

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    • #177105
      Ghost of the HEB

      Was our highest rated commit

    • #177108

      Bummer. We were becoming the target school for secondary players wanting to go pro. NIL has probably killed that.

      • #177121
        5 3
        Ghost of the HEB

        Other schools have figured out ways to funnel money into huge collectives (not just money from donors — they’re creatively pulling it from elsewhere and getting it into collectives through the donors). These collectives are now the driving force behind where recruits and transfers end up.

        We took a cautious “let’s do things by the book” approach to this new frontier and are now behind the curve. Need to get with the times quick or we’re in trouble.

    • #177110

      I don’t think we get very many 4 stars anymore. (Which we weren’t already)

    • #177111

      Why is god always prompting the kids to piles of cash? 

      • #177112
        16 5

        Yeah… I will probably get skewered for this, but I don’t understand how people refer to god in relation to obtaining/finding material items or accomplishments. Why would your god help you find your keys or get rich when there are thousands of other believers who are struggling with disease, starvation, homelessness, etc? What kind of god is that?

        I am fine with people having beliefs. I just wish it would stay out of football (and everything else non-religious)….

        • #177117
          2 10

          Well the problem is with you and that view point.  Because it seems like you are not fine with people with beliefs. Because activities involving people tend to include those peoples beliefs. 
          Maybe you don’t see the contradiction but it is pretty obvious in your last paragraph. 

          I won’t go into reconciling beliefs with evil in th world. 

          • #177147

            Fair enough. You want god in sports, I don’t. I’d want my god to be doing something more important. We are both entitled to our opinion and I was sharing mine.

            • #177153
              2 1

              I didn’t say I wanted god in sports. What I am saying is you have people in sports. No matter what they may believe in they are going to talk about what they believe in. People expressing themselves is what you will get. 
              Saying you are fine with people believing in something means something different to you. You think they should keep it to themselves when it comes to you watching or interacting with football is all. 

              • #177184

                I think you missed the point of my original comment/question on why people associate ‘god’ with trivial worldly ‘things’ and latched on to my final statement where I wished it would stay out of football.

                Should people be able to ‘thank god’ after winning a game? Sure. I think it is strange, but sure. Doesn’t change the fact that I wish they wouldn’t. It also doesn’t mean that I would advocate for saying they can’t.

                • #177185

                  Having a belief in a god or any belief system is synonymous with expression is what I am trying to help you understand. I am trying to help you understand that simple thing. People are going to use a platform to express their identity. 
                  I used to not understand why people used a platform to express atheism. But it is the expression that is part of the human identity. 
                  Unless you are a total introvert I don’t get why you don’t understand that human behavior. Which is why I say you are being contradictory. People will have beliefs and expression is part of that.

                  • #177344

                    I see you are still missing my point. Oh, well. Have a nice day.

        • #177127

          Because if time doesn’t exist on your plane of existence . One could be anywhere anytime at all. And we are here to struggle, and we are here to have joy. Here to learn.

          That’s a basic perspective of it. If you wanted to know. Not preaching

        • #177128

          But you are right, it is super weird that he said “keep god first” in his recruitment post. Like if it had anything to do with your choice or not, I wouldn’t post that on social media. Makes you seem kind of flakey.

        • #177130

          I totally agree with you @RedRocks, i get so tired of the thank god for the win and other BS in sports. So does that mean god wasn’t looking out for the other guys and or team!

          Have your beliefs is fine by me, but that is a lot of reason why I can’t stand BYWho and turned away from being a Mormon many many years ago and how god help me make that catch or win or….. Oh yeah the other reason turned away is I like to drink too 😉 

          Sorry I know a lot of you will disagree with meand that is okay, but every time I hear something like that it makes me throw up a little in my mouth. I just don’t think god is watching out for that kid that made that winning catch or whatever it might have been.

        • #177131
          Virginia Ute


      • #177134

        Your post made me chuckle, @hoosierute. Thank you.

      • #177142

        I have no knowledge of what the kid has experienced, but it is not outside the realm of possibility that God wants the kid to get some money to pay for his and his family’s needs. I cannot disprove what the kid has experienced. He may very well have been guided by God. If so, good for him. If not, oh well, hopefully he gets a bigger payday out of it.

    • #177113
      Tony (admin)

      “i just want to make sure I am making the right decision for me and my family…” Sounds pretty NIL $$$$ to me. 

      • #177114
        4 2
        Ghost of the HEB

        There aren’t any 4 & 5 stars out there who aren’t being offered a bag from somewhere. Gonna be tough sledding with them going forward.

    • #177115

      Some sites think he may end up at a Texas school. He may just want to stay closer to home. Or yeah, maybe he’ll make some cash someplace else, who knows…

      • #177118

        TCU just offered. They got the 1-800 Flowers money.

    • #177125
      1 4

      Good luck to him. I think it is great when these kids get large sums of cash for the work they have put in so far. Grift on!

      • #177129

        Or the opportunities they were born with and gifted.

        • #177133

          For sure.  I am kind of waiting for the buyers remorse on some of it. I mean this whole thing is a lot like simps on Onlyfans. And I am not insulting the kids at all more like the simps paying for it..

          But could you imagine the amount of NIL fans would have needed to dump on Jack Tuttle? Look where he is. Paying these kids are no guarantee still so I trust Whitts system of attracting the right kids. I would love to see Whitt with a Alabama level talent pool but it ain’t gonna happen. 

          • #177143

            I know very little how the money aspect works and how and when they get their bag. But if love it when a player gets their money and then peaces out when they aren’t getting playing time or whatever reason, like another team like Alabama offers a million after the kid got say 500k his freshman year

          • #177144

            Tuttle again entered the Transfer Portal  October 17, 2022.

            iNDIANA  —>  ???

            • #177148

              He must be getting some NIL money.

              • #177150
                The Miami Ute

                It looks like Tuttle just wants to be a professional student. He’s working on his MBA as it stands now.

      • #177149

        Yeah, I can’t blame them for getting what they can. I don’t work for free. I am just sad what it might to do our team.

        Doesn’t help that it is like the wild west. I can’t really imagine that people are looking out for what is best for these ‘kids’.

        Maybe at this point, players should just be considered University employees with contracts and legal obligations.

        • #177152
          The Miami Ute

          Maybe at this point, players should just be considered University employees with contracts and legal obligations. Personally, that’s what I think is going to happen within the next 3-5 years. When it does, you can expect places like Stanford, Cal, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Duke, the Ivy League, etc…to say goodbye to football forever, because they sure as hell aren’t giving recruits a world-class education and also have to pay for the privilege of doing so. At the end of the day, and I’ve said this ad nauseum, I believe that you’ll have a Super Conference of approximately 30-40 teams that will have all of the recruits, all of the money, and all of the exposure…everybody else will have to pound sand.

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