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No “Conversation with Cam” this week

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football No “Conversation with Cam” this week

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    • #200319
      2 1
      Ghost of the HEB

      For the past two seasons Cam Rising has been doing a weekly interview on ESPN700 with Bill Riley. Even when the circumstances didn’t allow for Cam to be on live at the scheduled time, they’ve always recorded an episode earlier in the week to air during the scheduled time. However, it appears there will be no live or recorded interview this week. To my knowledge this is the first time they’ve just not had one.
      Note that this interview is where Cam divulged the previously non-public injury information. Maybe just coincidental that the interview didn’t take place the very next week?

    • #200323

      It’s suspicious. Something’s up!

    • #200324
      The Miami Ute

      Anybody seen Cam lately?

      • #200332

        I never posted about this on this board, but I had the strangest encounter with Cam after the Weber game. I had left the game early in the 4th quarter to head up to the bookstore. By the time I was leaving the bookstore the game had just ended. I started walking over to that cemetery just south of the stadium where I was being picked up and I see cam walking towards me heading the other way. Gave him a fist bump as he walked by and wished him well in his recovery. That wasn’t the strange part.

        What was odd was this couldn’t have been more than 15 min after the game had ended, and he was just walking alone, no bags or anything. And he seemed really frustrated. Was not expecting to see him walking alone that soon after the game had ended. So, not exactly a recent encounter, but an encounter nonetheless and a weird one at that.

        • #200342
          3 4
          The Miami Ute

          I have to tell you…Whitt has Camp Utah hermetically sealed. Who really knows what’s going on underneath the surface. Maybe just me, but I discerned just a teeny wee bit of tension in some of his answers regarding Cam in the interview I posted earlier today.

        • #200359
          5 13

          I saw Cam Rising at a grocery store in downtown yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

          The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

          When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

          • #200371
            The Miami Ute

            Wow mother… LOL…it takes some dedication to write such lengthy fake news…

            • #200382

              It’s just a famous internet copypasta lol. Sorry didn’t think people would take it seriously

              • #200387

                LMAO at that funny post.

                I definitely have Rising fatigue.

                Worst sentence of 2023:Will Cam Rising play this week?

          • #200377
            Tony (admin)

            That’s absolutely bizarre, like it would be hard to make up a story that weird.

            • #200381
              The Miami Ute

              Yeah Tony, as I was reading and it became weirder, I expected that the story would end with Cam being kidnapped by aliens.

    • #200325
      1 7

      Whateves… Maybe NIL dried up. If he isn’t going to play then lets pour our resources into someone who will.

    • #200328

      Whitt could have told him not to do it so he doesn’t reveal anything, Cam could be mad at something a coach has said and is separating himself, or could have just had a time conflict. Occam’s razor suggests the latter. 

      • #200333

        Seems that scheduling conflicts should be easily resolved, especially when you’re getting paid. My guess is ESPN700 killed it, either at the request of the university or because they became privy to information that he’s not likely to play this year.

      • #200361
        Ghost of the HEB

        Another peculiar listen was Whittingham’s coaches show on 700 on Tuesday. I never even heard them mention Cam’s name. For QB they just talked about Nate Brandon and Luke. It was obvious they were intentionally avoiding him as a topic. Combine that with Cams interview being skipped in the same week, and it makes it seem scheduling conflict is less likely of an explanation.

        • #200392

          I can almost hear Whitt’s voice, “Guys, you can ask it if you want to, but I’ve spoken to the situation already. If you do ask, I won’t have anything new to offer with my answer.” I guess that doesn’t seem that weird to me.

    • #200346

      The lack of info, even rumors swirling around is spooky. I have been combing through posts just to get a glimpse of an OnlyU sighting for anything of significance. Alas… nothing.

      Never thought I would miss the constant fan speculation and guessing game, but the lack of conversation around all of it lately is kinda bumming me out. I need more Utah football in my life.

      • #200353
        3 1

        Feels like the heavy criticism of OnlyU drove them away (at least for a while). Gave the best information that could be perceived and got persecuted for a miss (even though it appears it was not clear inside the building either).

        • #200355
          7 4

          Persecuted? Give me a break. One or two guys said he was wrong. Other guys get called out far worse for far far far far less. I’m sure OnlyU is just fine. They Always seemed like a level-headed individual, I highly doubt they are offended because a couple of internet warriors correctly pointed out that he was wrong. IIRC he even admitted he was wrong about Cam’s recovery.

      • #200369
        Ghost of the HEB

        Can’t speak for OnlyU, but it’s been damn near impossible to get any clarity on this topic. Even people within the program feel like they’re in the dark.

    • #200378
      Tony (admin)

      I’m getting more and more convinced we don’t see Cam play this season.

      • #200379


      • #200383
        The Miami Ute

        Personally, I’m of the opinion that Whitt is ready to move on. Now that this story is getting national attention, I’m certain that Whitt is not enjoying the constant questioning and drama surrounding this matter.

      • #200388

        What will it take to convince you?

    • #200400

      Maybe no Conversation with Cam means he is playing this Saturday? I am not convinced of that but hope we see a Nate Johnson based game plan and see him ball out!

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