Welcome to Ute Hub › Forums › Utah Utes Sports › Football › Northern Ill got rocked today
They didn’t look good on paper.
Wake me up on Sept 15Th who said it?? Who now has tickets to that game? Yeah me.
Dumb dumb dumb. Throw it away Browning!!
We are so lucky Browning is their QB.
Has a QB ever brought a GREAT team down more than Browning? Ha ha.
If Browning is hurt long term (he probably isn’t) Washington is screwed.
That was bulls**t officiating to end the game.
Anyone see the NIU game? How did they look?
No but 0-0-0-7 tells it all against Iowa who scored 33. Garbage TD to end the game basically shut out. Their offense stinks.
I didn’t watch it, but on paper they got destroyed.
Iowa shuts you out pretty much is all you need to know.
Yeah, 200 balanced yards. Actually Iowa only had about 300 but that was 4 tds difference I guess. NIU -1 in turnovers. They throw more than I thought.
NIU… This one smells like Iowa State 2010. Unexpected blowout? Expected?