Utah @  West Virginia


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    • #35661

      Lots of talk about the new offense, and rightly so. At the end of the day though, will it be better, worse, the same or some combination? 

      I think I fall somewhere between same to better. Same because it will be hard to install overnight, better because we have more athletes and options at quarterback. 

    • #35662
      Tony (admin)

      I think it would be hard for it to be much worse really.  I look for marked improvement in passing yards and efficiency and less yards rushing.

      • #35664

        Agree and disagree.  Utah fans haven’t had something really exciting show up on the field offesnsively since the Mountain West.  It’s never been truely embarrassing on the offensive side of the ball but there hasn’t been a year that the offense has out-performed the defense. We’re Iowa and Stanford tough on d but the PAC is an offensive conference.  Plenty of space for getting better, but playing semantics could definately be worse. Need only look to the ‘offensive schools’ in Arizona last year.

        • #35668

          I could see that. I hope our offense has some excitement to it again. 

        • #35687
          Wilson’s Mustache

          The Iowa tough made me laugh. They’re kind of mediocre. If anything, the style of B1G football & their soft schedules inflates their numbers.

      • #35669

        I bet we end up more balanced this year. More throws, but not much higher than 50%. 

    • #35663

      I drank the Kool Aid and think we will have big improvements in the offense. If nothing else, we finally have a coach who sees the game from a quarterback’s perspective. He also brings a playbook that’s more than 4 pages thick.

      Go UTES!

    • #35675

      I love Kyle as a head coach, but I won’t believe the offense will change until I see it.  I certainly hope this year will be different but I’m not holding my breath.  The key to success (relatively speaking as we all know it has been bad) with Utah’s offense since join PAC12 has been do they have an elite level running back.  When they have (John White, Booker and Williams) they have had good records and have gone to a bowl game.  When they have not Utah has just plan been bad.  I think this year may come down to that. Can Utah run the ball?  If so I like their chances to win 8-10 games, including a bowl game.  If not it could be a long year. 

      I’d love to say I believe they will throw the ball all around. But when the games get tight, all Kyle’s preaching about not throwing INT’s comes out and the QB plays not to mess up instead of playing to win.  On the flip side if they are down and have to air it out then we might see the offense open up.  See usc game last year when they had to as they were playing from behind.  But if this is why the offense is opened up consistantly then we are in trouble.  I just don’t see Kyle changing who he is in crunch time because in crunch time our true colors come out.  I could be wrong, but again I won’t believe it until I see it.  

      The one thing that gives me hope this time might be different is there is more talent in the program than ever before. There are been very good offensive minds at OC since joining the PAC12 but they didn’t have as much talent as there is now.  As for Arod he is nice but I never thought he was a good hire as OC.  So if Taylor is a good coach and he has more talent, maybe things will be different.  I hope so but I’m going to have to wait and see before I drink the coolaid. 

      • #35688

        Is your first name Thomas?

        • #35689

          No. Why?


          I’ve just seen the same cycle too many times with too many coordinators not to be a doubting thomas.

    • #35690

      I expect a much better offense overall with a few ugly growing pains games.

    • #35700

      I don’t know what to think yet, but I’d really like to see more TD’s. TD’s are far sexier than field goals.

      That will require that our offense not suddenly appear stuck in the mud in the red zone. I demand to see some creative AF stuff happening in the red zone.

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