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Ohio State fans talk Utah and Roses

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    • #161789

      Your thoughts?

      “Kyle Whillingham” 

      “You lose to Michigan and your reward is playing the Michigan of the West” 

      “I don’t know that you get anything out of winning but you fall even farther if you lose”

      “Not that you get sick of the Rose Bowl, but…”


      Should be fun 

    • #161792

      D-bags. That one tall guy looks like he’s going to p**s his pants the entire time he talks. Then says Utah is a team that nobody cares about.

      • #161798

        The Utes will make them care.

    • #161799

      “Play a team that nobody cares about”

      What arrogance.

    • #161800

      Now you know how Michigan fans feel. Detroit used to be the, “Paris of the West”. As Ohio people trickled down to be the underlings for tires and steel workers during the industrial age. 

      Trust me. Michigan is much more beautiful than Ohio. It’s not even a close comparison. It’s like Utah vs Nevada as far as beauty.

      I’ve been on on phone with many Michigan friends and family. Do they wear red or white? I told them to wear white. Maybe pack an XL white t-shirt just in case.

      You have no idea how many people going to root against OSU and for the Utes.

    • #161813

      I’ve had a soft spot for OSU because of the Urban connection, but I think it might be easier to dislike them.

      • #161815

        Ohio State might be the most arrogant tailgate I’ve ever been. Next to Colorado for some strange reason.

    • #161817

      “…a team that nobody cares about…”

      F@;k you.

    • #161822

      The bitter, snappy-dressin’ lurch on the left wants us to believe he’s some kind of football expert but he can’t quite remember Devin Lloyd’s name?  I’ll be he’d be loads of fun at a ballgame party when “a ohio state” team is crumbling!   

    • #161826

      Are there Utah fans who do online video commentary like this? Please send links, if so. Thanks in advance.

    • #161827

      Honestly, I can’t take too much offense at this

      Yeah, a team that hoped to make the College Football Playoff (and was in line to do so until their last game) is disappointed about playing Utah in the Rose Bowl. I get that.

      The most negative thing is saying that people don’t care about Utah. Which is harsh, but in comparison to the Ohio States, Oklahomas, Notre Dames, Alabamas, Michigans of the world, Utah just doesn’t have that sort of following – look at TV numbers if nothing else.

      We had a solid year and got 11.92M viewers during the regular season this year (plus 4.25M in the conf champion game). Nothing to be ashamed of, it puts us 3rd in the PAC12 behind Oregon (30.86M) and UCLA (14.10M) and just ahead of Washington (11.82M). And if we include the conference championship, we’re up at 16.17, ahead of UCLA …but the Michigan/Ohio State game alone drew 15.89M viewers. As many unique viewers watched that game as likely watched Utah over the last 2 years or so.

      We’re not (yet) at that level of interest/following. Utah has a very good team and is respected by people who know college football, but we don’t have the same sort of cachet as Ohio St. That’s just reality. If we want to develop it, it starts with winning this game, which is a great opportunity for us.

      On the positive side, they do compare us to Michigan, a college football team that is in the playoff and universally considered one of the best in the country this year. They think there’s a potential that we could “out-bully them”.

      They think Devin Lloyd will possibly be the first LB off the board, and that “if you thought Noah Sewell and Josh Ross and the Penn St guys were problems, wait until you see this guy”.

      Also worth noting that I’d hate for our fanbase to be judged by the comments of 3 random yahoos claiming to represent all of us

    • #161881

      If you run into a tOSU fan, ask them if they know what the acronym “FOSHTAB”. It’s a word Michigan residents use to describe Ohioans who come to Michigan to go boating. It stands for “f–king Ohio s–thead towing a boat”.

      • #161910

        Originally FISHTAB referring to idiot suburbanite Illinois drivers, who own boats too large for the Midwest lakes they dropped them into.

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