Arizona State @  Utah

One Day's Work!

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  • Author
    • #126
      Tony (admin)

      In less than 24 hours I’ve managed to register the site domain, build a basic framework, and deploy it.

    • #141

      Looks good so far.

    • #323

      Solid work! Looking great so far!!!!

    • #804

      The apostrophes in the topic subject aren’t being unescaped. I’m not familiar with bbpress, is it a mature product? Does it have good community support? I know there are many BB projects out there for PHP, any particular reason you chose this one over others?

      It’s an improvement in a lot of areas over UFN right out of the box, but that’s a low bar to hurdle. I do like the general conversation flow at UFN better then the vBullitin style of large monolithic threads that ‘bump’ to the top of the category list when new replies are added. I like seeing all the category topics in one list in chronological order as well and then being able to filter unwanted topics out like soccer by toggling a checkbox.

      Sorry if this is the wrong thread for feedback.

    • #808
      Tony (admin)

      I’ve noticed the escape issue and I’m quite surprised the out of the box product, which is many years old, doesn’t deal with it properly. There are quite a few bbpress plugins and mods.

      I’m a developer with pretty deep experience in Joomla and WordPress. WP of late has been my platform of choice because of how clunky joomla is, and how horrid it is to upgrade when they change versions. I started bbpress as a test but so many asked to try out the site I ran with it. bbpress is unorthodox in a few ways, and no engine will be perfect for everyone.

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