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OnlyU thoughts on Cam situation

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    • #200352
      15 2

      Wow, we should really create a new category called “Cam Rising”. Hate to beat a dead horse and I know we’re all pretty tired of talking about it, but figured I’d throw this out here. OnlyU, do you have anything to share on the whole Cam situation whether it be your own personal thoughts or things you’ve heard from within the program? Feel free to take a rain check on this one, just curious if you had anything you cared to share. I don’t think anybody has outright asked you about this since the most recent developments came out

    • #200414

      We may have forced ONLYU into hiding-

      • #200415

        Maybe OnlyU is Cam? 😎

        • #200417
          Tony (admin)

          If that’s the case we really screwed that one up.

      • #200418
        Central Coast Ute

        OnlyU has given us a ton of good info. Other sites don’t have that kind of guy. He was wrong on this one and admitted it. Not sure why anyone would go after him like that. It seemed he believed the same thing that Whitt did. Can’t fault OnlyU for that.

      • #200434

        I must’ve missed the thread where people were rude to OnlyU.

        Hopefully OnlyU finds their way back here, in spite of the idiots.

    • #200423

      ONLYU has been right 95 percent of the time. Seems like no one including Whit knew about CR. So not sure that giving him any grief is justified.

      • #200439
        20 1

        Hey I’m good…it’s a message board so everyone has an opinion and I’m perfectly fine with that. What I’ve been able to share over the years is as close to accurate as it can be.
        Started to respond to this post a few times and got sidetracked or wasn’t able to come up with a response that I felt good about so it’s taken a little while.
        At the end of the day I absolutely thought Cam would be back by now and so did almost EVERYONE with knowledge of the situation. All I will say is not everything you hear (or read) is 100% accurate. Rumors, innuendo, and flat out garbage runs rampant and this year more than any other I can remember.

        Whit is an intelligent veteran and would NEVER throw anyone under the bus and I’m proud of that fact. He’ll take ownership for everything (as a leader should) and that’s what makes him great. I think this situation is one the best examples of that in his coaching career.

        IMO, there are many voices in the heads of these kids these days and in the past 10+ years or so it’s shifted from the betterment of the “team” to the betterment of the “individual.” I think you can argue both ways just fine but I sure liked the days of TEAM/me a hell of a lot more than what we’re seeing today. Money/TV/Social Media is changing the game as we know it. It’s a runaway train so at this point I just hope the damage done doesn’t completely destroy what we’ve all enjoyed being a part of.

        I’m not going to say anything else about Cam’s situation…he’s gonna do what he (or those in his camp) think is best for him period.

        Can’t wait to be inside RES tomorrow! Go Utes.

        • #200452
          Tony (admin)

          Thanks man. Glad they didn’t run U off. Looking forward to tomorrow no matter who plays or doesn’t play. Always a Ute am I.

          • #200529
            The Miami Ute

            But you bet on Cal…don’t get mad, just kidding…

        • #200510
          3 3

          Whit is an intelligent veteran and would NEVER throw anyone under the bus and I’m proud of that fact. He’ll take ownership for everything (as a leader should) and that’s what makes him great. I think this situation is one the best examples of that in his coaching career.

          This is a pretty spicy little tidbit

        • #200524
          1 1

          Well said, OnlyU.

          I too hope the Utes (as a team) can get past these last few weeks and bounce back.

        • #200527

          Thank you Onlyu. Makes total sense to me.

        • #200537

          Thanks OnlyU for all the information you have provided. This is a good reminder that Coach Whittingham built the culture of the program and it is bigger than one single player. That is one thing I have always liked about football is that it is a team sport and it takes everyone to win not just one player.

          Thank goodness it is game day! Too much Ute drama in the last two weeks. Go UTES!

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