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Opinions on Oregon Game Chat Room Test?

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    • #3100
      Tony (admin)

      For those who joined the chat during the Oregon game let me know how you liked it, if it performed well, and what kind of device you were on (desktop, phone, tablet).

      For me I was using the chat on my Android phone via a 4G connection. It was sluggish but worked. The scroll didn’t scroll sometimes and trying to manually scroll it was hard. The layout looked good but the lagginess on cellular took away from it a bit. That may not be because of the chat engine, but rather just using a cell connection.

      Keep in mind that this chat engine is a paid application which we are now in a 14 day evaluation. For the next game we can decide to keep this one, or perhaps demo another one. Layout wise I dig this one.

    • #3109

      Mobile iPhine 6 on safari. Got a little laggy at times. Not sure if that was my internet or the chat. Pretty enjoyable experience

    • #3114

      Yeah, the pop-out client kept getting in a state where I could see other’s messages, but mine would never show up, or only after 5 minutes or more. I would close the chat and reopen it and it would usually start responding again.

    • #3123

      Worked well on my laptop and iPad. It got a little laggy when there were a lot of people in chat, but that’s bound to happen.

      Overall, it was a great chat! Thanks!

    • #3124
      Tony (admin)

      Anyone take note as to the most users that were chatting at the same time?

    • #3132

      Great time chatting and watching. I was about a minute behind live on my stream so I had to try my best to not cheat

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