West Virginia @  Utah

Our CB friends will often post how much better Hall is as compared to Rising

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo Our CB friends will often post how much better Hall is as compared to Rising

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    • #168595

      They post often that Hall is a top-ten QB and a certain NFL draft pick.  Let me first say that I have nothing against Hall.  He passes the eye test for an old man like me.  I think he has a very good arm and is a good QB.

      I thought that the best way to compare Hall to Rising would be to see how they performed last year against their four common opponents (WSU, ASU, AZ, and USC).  I admit that before looking at the numbers – I expected Hall to have somewhat better numbers.  Here are the facts from those four games.

      Hall went 68/107 for 63.5% and Rising went 75/114 for 65.7% Advantage Rising

      Hall threw for an average of 208 yards and Rising for 231 yards Advantage Rising

      Hall had a QBR average of 139.5 and Rising’s QBR average was 153.2 Advantage Rising

      Hall ran for an average of 29.3 yards and Rising for 35 yards Advantage Rising

      Hall’s average per pass was 7.75 yards and Rising’s was 8.1 Advantage Rising

      Hall had a better yards per pass play for the season than Rising, but I thought the best way to compare the two was to compare them against the teams they both played.  I readily admit that I was surprised by the numbers.  I thought they would be close with a slight advantage to Hall.

      Again, I am not trashing Hall and I am not even trying to claim that Rising is the better QB.  I think BYU has a great combo with Hall and Nacua.  They will go deep often this season IMO.  Utah will utilize their tight ends and go deep on occasion IMO.  I think both quarterbacks are very good and fit their team’s scheme well.

      The sad part is that so many on the CB love to trash or even hate Rising.  If he makes a top-ten QB list – they claim that he is overrated.  I suspect it has more to do with Cam being the QB for their rival than it does with the facts.

      Go Utes!!!


    • #168596
      Extra Medium

      Rising > Hall. Not even a question.

      The more important question is why do you spend time on a message board for the mentally deficient? It’s been proven time and time again that CB is a giant circle jerk for those on the spectrum of virtually every form of delusion. Pro tip. Avoid internet cesspools like facebook, instagram, twitter, and cougarboard. You’ll find more enjoyment in life.

      edit: fixed auto correct.

      • #168597
        Extra Medium

        RISING > HALL…damn auto-correct!

      • #168605

        I do not have Facebook, Instagram or Twitter accounts for the very reason you mention.  I admit that I find it interesting to see what is posted on the CB.  However, in my experience – that group does not represent the average BYU fan.  CB seems to be extreme and often makes me laugh.


    • #168599

      The problem with Hall is his age (24) and he is injury prone

      For reference he is older than Justin Herbert in and Mac Jones and about the same age as guys like Baker Mayfield Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson and Hall is still only a Junior.

      Cam is a Junior as well but only 21.

      Plus if he misses more games in 22 due to injury he will be a virtual lock to go undrafted.

      NFL teams don’t want an old man who can’t stay healthy at QB

    • #168604
      10 1

      Who cares what they think? Our CB friends molest collies.

    • #168611

      Probably the same reason why they think their conference will be better, and that their stadium is better and their coaching staff is better, yada yada yada.

      It makes them feel better.

      Sucks to be them.

      And WHO cares!!!

      • #168616

        Yes, it is funny how everything BYU has to be better than anything Utah.  They went on and about how stupid our Rose Bowl helmets were, yet the bib uniforms BYU wore in 2002 were brilliant.  The view from their stadium is much better than from RES.  Swoop is a lousy mascot and Cosmo is the best mascot in the land.  It’s a terrible thing if some Ute recruits pretend to perform an ordinance and take a picture.  However, it is completely forgivable if ZW slanders Joseph Smith.  Men’s volleyball is a top NCAA sport, but skiing and gymnastics are minor sports.

        I just find their rhetoric funny.  Most seem to hate the color red just because it’s Utah’s color. 

        I know many sain, normal BYU fans.  The CB is a place for their extremists to post.

    • #168618
      Ute Dub

      Rising is the perfect quarterback for Utah and Andy Ludwig and Rising is an outstanding person. I really don’t care about anything else.

    • #168620
      1 7

      Most of them also believe that the Garden of Eden was near present-day Independence, MO.

      • #168626
        5 1

        Most of “them”???  Just last week you were going on incessantly about how God is at the helm of ybU-p, and what a faithful member you are of the church that owns and operates it.  So don’t act like “they” and “you” are totally different people.  If “they” believe it, so do “you”.

        • #168628

          I am sorry to confuse you, mate. We had a long discussion within which I indicated that my faith brings me to trust and never question Heavenly Father’s plans. However, I did not say that I am a faithful member. I am very far from such a description. I do appreciate your concern for my doctrinal consistency. And, I look forward to more discussions with you.

          • #168630
            3 1

            You DID say that you were faithful, and now you’re lying about it.  You’re a zoob, aren’t you?  It’s obvious.  You get so-very-busted, refuse to admit that you were wrong, try to change the parameters of the original argument, and lie, lie, lie, lie.  That was so very ybU of you.

            • #168631

              I did not say I was faithful. I said I have faith. They are different items. I drink, swear, f**k, smoke. I never communicate with the church. I haven’t been to the temple since my mission. I generally despise the church. 

              As for never admitting I am wrong, how can I be wrong about my personal beliefs? There was no original argument. You chose to try to prove that BYU is not led by Elohim. I continued to tell you that your arguments did not change my beliefs. You resorted to insults and posting links to articles that I don’t think you read fully and said things like, “See?”

              I feel like I am having a discussion with a bully, and I’m not sure that is what you are trying to put across. Am I correct, or are you trying to bully me? 

              • #168638

                You’re full of it.  One week you’re a man of [LDS] faith, the next you pretend you don’t believe it.  One week you’re married to a Young Women’s leader preparing a mutual lesson, the next you’re claiming to be a fornicator.  Nothing you post is of any value because of how dishonest and loathsome you are.

                I know that this is “Tony’s” domain, but you don’t belong here.  “Liars” and the “willfully ignorant” are a better fit on “cougarboard”.


                • #168639

                  Thank you for the continued insults. I do admit that I was pulling your chain when you came on so strong with your insistence on the BYU helm thing. I appreciate your diligence.

                  • #168643

                    You only admit what you can’t deny because of how so-very-busted you are.


                    • #168645

                      You read me like an open book. I have always thought that I was so-very-busted. Most people around me were marginally-less-busted. That always stuck-in-my-craw.


    • #168624

      Rising is ahead of Hall on every list not created by BYU fans. That tells you all you need to know.

    • #168663

      they seem to all think that hall is better on the ground despite Cam having more total yards and a much better ypc than hall last year

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