Baylor @  Utah

Our Loss

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    • #198761
      9 5

      Might be an unpopular opinion, but I think all the other 3 top PAC-12 teams lose that game. I get it our offense was completely stagnant, but in all reality, not a bad loss at all. Lots of overreactions and after looking at Oregons States previous games and rewatching our game against them, I don’t think under those circumstances Oregon, USC, and even Washington could win that game. OSU is legit, had a horrid game last week and still managed to be within 3 points of WSU in Pullman.
      Just been looking at this as a bright spot for us Utes, been an absurd amount of negativity on here, myself included, and I thought this was a good way to look at the game. Looking forward to what the rest of the season brings! Go Utes!!

    • #198762
      10 1

      Northern, agree exactly. There are a lot of chicken littles out there. The sky is not falling, got a few cracks in it, most teams do. I hope some of the injured get cleared by the medical staff, I emphasize CLEARED BY THE MEDICAL STAFF. I’m sure the players want that more than the fans do. All the c..p flying around that the injured are just playing the system to get their NIL money is BS. The players and coaches are doing everything they can to get them on the field, but the decision is not theirs. Next player up!
      See y’all Saturday at RES.
      GO UTES

      • #198886

        I wouldn’t be so sure about the NIL money.

    • #198763
      11 2

      I get that losing to OSU is not bad. However what is bad is five games of pathetic offense. Good thing we have a great D.

    • #198769

      I agree that 5 games of pathetic offense with bad trend is very concerning. But, I start losing hope for humanity when fans start saying that either Whit of Ludwig should be fired because this is all there fault and that Ludwig doesn’t know how to call a game.

      Did Whit/Ludwig make mistakes to get us to this point? Maybe, but I don’t have the information that they have, so I don’t know. Was it a bad decision to expect Rising to be back healthy? I am not an orthopedic surgeon and didn’t see his MRIs, so again, I don’t know. There were certainly things about his injury (him walking around without crutches at the Rose Bowl) that point towards this not being a severe ACL injury.

      Apart from maybe @onlyu or @ghostofheb, we don’t have any insider information and we are just guessing about what is going on in the locker room. It is incredibly unfair to a coaching staff that has repeatedly earned our trust (more than any other staff I have ever encountered at any level of football), that we immediately throw them to the dogs at the first loss of a season. While I am worried about the direction of the offense, each of the previous two seasons we went into the by-week with far uglier warts, and each time this staff righted the ship. I have no reason to doubt their ability to do the same here.

    • #198772
      3 1

      Maybe usc. Oregon and Washington are the top teams.

      Utah left chances on the field. Primarily because of weak Oline play. Qb inexperience and lack of practice being the next problem. The situation with Rising also looms large over these two issues as a big influence on the Offensive performance.

      I don’t want to fault Ludwig or Harding too much. It is a dynamic and tough situation to deal with. Clearly this is an outlier game compared to the two previous seasons as we have seen nothing but improvements and progress. They get a pass for the regression considering the difficult circumstances.

      I am interested to see how Scalley handles it. I really feel like Whitt is close to retiring. Age and his comments lately have an exhaustion behind them.

      • #198785

        Utah has their issues to overcome. However, USC has no reason to feel they will run the table. Oregon and Washington has their own challenges coming up with games they are favored in but can let slip like last year. All these teams have each other to play. No one can fax wins in they have to go out and play the games. Much like the last two years, Utah needs to bounce back from adversity and win games to become a contender. It will take something to change in the offense to make that happen.

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