Utah @  Oklahoma State

Overtime Play Calling

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    • #6665
      Tony (admin)

      Am I on drugs or in the overtime did we seem to go away from what was WORKING in the game? We were rushing well, even with Booker’s backup (who I was impressed with). We were making 4-5 yards on each carry during the game, when we went north-south.

      In the overtime we decided to stop doing that and go with passes and outside running plays? WTF? Am I wrong? So we try to go for the whole enchilada in the 2nd overtime and it is incomplete, leaving us 2nd and 10, a down we are not very good at. That leads to 3rd and long and eventually a 2nd 4th and long we can’t convert.

      KNOWING we had to score a TD to tie in the 2nd overtime, I would have had a 4-down rushing mentality. Even 3 yards per carry four times… two first downs then a TD. I know it isn’t always that simple, but if our strength is rushing (even with Wilson), why go away from that?

    • #6666

      I just pulled a screen capture of the final play to e-mail to some friends. One receiver very open (5 yard spacing) at the junction of the bottom of the letters Z and O in the end zone. Another receiver open (3 yard spacing) at the bottom of the N in the end zone. Booker had pulled from blocking and was open with 10 yard spacing at the 12 just past the ref in the screen capture (granted he needed to make it inside the 1, but I like Booker’s chances when he has a head of speed). Instead, Wilson stares down and overthrows receiver with double coverage on left side of the end zone. This has been pretty standard fare throughout his career.

      It is what it is. We know it could be better, but we’ve had a pretty good run, all things considered.

      • #6681

        wow. I think Booker might get that. Certainly better than a hail mary to the end zone odds. Dang..

        • #6683

          One defender between Booker and the endzone and defender is at the goal line. Booker would have a full head of steam. My money is on Booker.

          In Wislon’s defense, Booker started in back field. Stayed there to block, then slipped out when there was no one to block.

          Wilson just fixes on one receiver and lets lots of other opportunities go. He has difficulty throwing even short passes ove the middle due to his low release (ie sidearm or 3/4 arm). He really doesn’t see things over the middle very well, despite his size. The potential could be there given his stature, but he just has never made progress certain things.

    • #6673

      Exactly what Frank Dolce said. @westslopecutthroat

      • #6675

        Did Dolce say that?

        We left from my wife’s HS Reunion party with the game going into OT. DISH does not have Fox Sports 1, so I could only listen. Pretty tired from hosting party for 50+ at our home the night before, funeral service for a cousin of my wife’s during the day and then the reunion party that night. Watched some of the game from the bar. So I was too tired to focus on the details. Watched replay videos this AM and just shook my head.

        We’ve been fortunate to get to this point. I’ll just enjoy it for what it is and attend my last game next week against UCLA. If Utah gets stuck in the Vegas Bowl against BYU, I won’t go. Much as I’d like to see a beatdown, BYU’s schedule was front loaded with strong opponent, so they will be healed up.

    • #6676

      Dolce says that about Wilson all of the time stares down or predetermines where he wants to go.

      During the broadcast they announced Wilson taking Mitchell’s record on TD’s and he was upset about it.

      • #6677

        I like Dolce’s analysis, but he does whine. I heard him after the UW game ask Whitt about QB play and Whitt effectively cut him off with his answer.

    • #6685
      Tony (admin)

      I couldn’t really tell in the image due to the quality, but I’m not surprised. We shouldn’t have been in that situation anyway, but that’s a whole other topic of discussion.

    • #6705

      This is my big gripe. We win ugly and I think a big contributor to this is our play calling more than offensive style. We are imposing our will in the run game and the Booker , who was never right after coming out, fumbles and we blow up the run and start slinging the ball. I don’t get it. Joe Williams (is that Booker’s back-up?) was gashing for 5+ yards per carry. Why would we move away from that until they prove they can stop it? I’ve said it plenty this year. We don’t need some pass happy offense to put up more points we need to double down on what we do well. You’ve got a QB that can only execute the read option, a human cannonball in Booker, a Freshman slot receiver who is the only person on the team that can get open and catch a ball, and two more fast RBs. Just pound and impose your will. Then I bet a few play action passes that even Travis can hit will open up. Arghh.  Some folks on UFN put this all on defense. It wasn’t, the defense played really well in the second half. They stopped drives in crunch time. The offense did what it always does and this time the D didn’t bail them out. That’s not a defensive failure.

      • #6708

        Let me summarize the conclusion of your post: Utah should just come out of the closet, acknowledge the tools they have and just run an option offense with Wilson and Booker. Occasional play action pass to keep the D honest.

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