PAC 12 should restart the season now. New CDC report.

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    • #128350
      11 7

      94% of COVID deaths had underlying conditions. All other government forced shut downs also need to stop. Government needs to stop regulating business and especially the free excercise of religion. Same reason “mostly peaceful” protesting was allowed.  They can recommend to companies or congregations who can choose to follow the recommendations. You as an individual can also choose to follow the guidelines of that business or church.

      I also challenge the 9700 or so death certificates that only have COVID as a cause of death.  

    • #128351
      7 2

      Do you know what percentage of the population has some type of preexisting condition completely separate from any Covid exposure, but would automatically be listed as a comorbidity on any death certificate? I’m asking this because you aren’t accurately portraying the various risk factors in the US population that would be included in an objective Venn Diagram of true mortality from Covid. Your assertion is only portraying a small fraction of the population, the very small group that was truly “clean” to begin with. Over 70 million people are obese. Over 65 million have hypertension. 34 million have diabetes. About 15 million have COPD. 25 million have asthma. I could keep going but hopefully you understand my point. If you drew a Venn Diagram of these populations, they would somewhat overlap, but these populations have always been the most susceptible groups. I agree most college age athletes aren’t possessing these conditions, but the spreading risk is still sobering. This isn’t subjective interpretation. It’s simple math and objective interpretation of populations instead of focusing on the 6% exception, which is what you’re asserting.

      • #128352
        7 2

        No I am asserting governments role and that it has now vanished. Obviously this virus and so many others carry risk factors for that demographic. That much should be obvious to that population.  

        Maybe we need to start issuing treadmills, compelled 30 minute walks, instituting diets and banning sugars. That would reduce future deaths in the next great flu in four years more than social distancing and masks. 

        Leaving relatively healthy people idle is creating problems that we will pay for dearly down the road. 

      • #128354

        I also wondered if the other conditions were preexisting.  Everyone wants to assess their individual risk and it’s difficult to find data on that matches your health profile.  As pointed out, some of the comorbidities that put people at risk can be due to life style.  This complicates the sacrifice we ask everyone to make.  I think the firewall should be between the high risk group and the general population rather than between every individual. 

      • #128359
        1 1

        I also wondered if the other conditions were preexisting.  Everyone wants to assess their individual risk and it’s difficult to find data on that matches your health profile.  As pointed out, some of the comorbidities that put people at risk can be due to life style.  This complicates the sacrifice we ask everyone to make.  I think the firewall should be between the high risk group and the general population rather than between every individual. 

      • #128362
        5 1

        Seems like we would save more lives by banning overeating and sugar… yet somehow we are cool with allowing people to make their own choices and take risks as they see fit.

        • #128369

          Actually we promote it!  But it is a free country, so not going to get in the way of that.

          • #128372

            Oh yes, I know. I think it is a great idea to promote healthy living and safety…truly… but “promote” is the key word. 

    • #128384

      Your original incorrect assertion is now debunked by independent fact checking:

      Debunking EaglemountainUte’s covid mortality

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