PAC12 calls it off

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    • #127636

      Pete Thamel reporting that the PAC12 will move football to spring.


      That means a summer where the only “sports” on TV are baseball, golf, and NASCAR. It’s my worst nightmare come true.

    • #127637
    • #127638
      4 3

      I would suspect that the transfer portal is going to light up. Players are going to go wherever they can to play ball. One of many reasons that this could have huge ramifications for the program in the long-term if other conferences are somehow able to get things together to play.

      • #127640
        5 2

        The entire league is going to be raided if other conferences play. The P5 may just be the P3 or P2 in the space of a year.

        • #127650
          2 1

          C’mon.  In order to transfer there has to be a vacancy at the other University and its pretty much too late now, anyway.

          • #127652
            Central Coast Ute

            Well, Bentely might be looking to move. He needs film now, not next year.

    • #127639

    • #127641

      BTW, f**k this whole f**king thing.

      • #127642

        Took the words right of my mouth…

    • #127643
      3 1

      What a major disappointment.  But what can you do?  There’s just not enough information yet as to the long-term effects of COVID-19 for us to risk the health of our athletes.  These are college kids; not Roman gladiators.  We don’t want to see anyone battle anything out to the death.

      I sure hope we can square enough things away in time for Spring.  College Football season is the best time of year.  

      GO UTES!!!

      • #127644

        Wear a mask and pray for a vaccine. Those are the most useful things the average person can do if we want football in the spring.

        • #127647

          Russia is cutting short testing of vaccine and just going ahead with offering it.

    • #127645

      Do they really believe the players are going to be able to play ~20 games in under 12 months? Even if they give an extra year of eligibility to the students, they are taking a year away of playing from somebody (taking away scholarships/playing time from incoming freshmen). I would hope that Utah could break off the pac12 this year and go play with Iowa and Nebraska and all the other schools that don’t want to lose all the best players to the SEC, ACC, and Big12.

      • #127649

        20 games in 12 months?  Sure.  If they play in the NFL they could play up to 23 games in 4-5 months!!

    • #127646
      5 2

      Help me understand how it will be different in Spring? Calibrate your sarcasm sensor 🙂

      Kind of, I guess!

      1. What will be different in Spring since the NCAA and school leadership basically have been sitting on their hands the past five months doing nothing to create a strategy to at least try and play? Basically raised the white flag.

      2. As soon as you see a so called virus expert or physician on TV sitting in front of a book shelf, quickly change the channel. I love how all of these so called experts come out of the wood work to tell us about all of the proven “science” occuring over the past five months surrounding outcomes, treatments, “the science”, etc. Memo to all you medical expert folks on TV, stay in your lane and focus on the 250,000 (probably on the low side) preventable medical error deaths occuring in the U.S. every year. 

      3. Do these leaders really think a miracle vaccination is going to cure the virus before Spring next year? 

      4. Is the continued testing disaster and tracing fiasco going to fix itself?

      5. Will the increased mask compliance make the virus go away? For the record, not a hater-good with the masks here.

      6. A votng miracle cure appears on November 4th, depending on who wins the election of course :)?

      Hard not to see the Spring delay is nothing more than a bulls**t legal, political pandering effort to chase dollars and justiy administration paychecks for another five months. No way football will fly in Spring unless there is an effective, proven, viable vaccine.

      The decision not to play in the Fall sets precedent that as long as the virus is present at any level in the community, college athletes are at risk of getting C19, and potentially at risk for the least likely-worse possible outcome. Not saying I have all the answers, it seems this has been a poor system leadership effort failing these kids.

      See you all on the river fishing or biking on the trails this Fall!

      Rant over…Go Utes! 


      • #127653
        2 2

        [not sure how to take your sarcasm comment, but knowing there ARE people feeling this way …]
        What makes a vaccine in January “a miracle”??  There are already several vaccines in Stage-2 or starting Phase-3 trials.  Governments and other entities have already pledged $Billlions to support production prior to Phase-3 trial completion.   Astra Zenaca (Oxford vaccine) says they will start shipping in October and have full-scale production before the end of the year.    As far as sports it depends how far down the priority list colleges and college students go in getting available vaccines.   As a University employee I am already strongly encouraged to get the flu vaccine every year due to being around the campus student population that is generally seen as a high risk group due to class sizes and sometimes crowded living arrangements (dorms and shared apartments). Due to the potential transmission factors, I expect college students to be pretty high on the priority list despite the lower fatality risks identified with their younger age.

        Cancel/Delay is 95% about liability for potential cardiac side effects of COVID-19.   The players are now released to  be now out in the general population 24/7 where they actually have a higher chance of getting COVID-19 than in the very controlled conditions and regular testing of the athletic programs, but, hey, if they get it outside of football the athletic department is off the hook for liabiltiy.  If the players are given a vaccine that has been deemed safe and effective then the athletic departments would no longer be seen as culpable and they will play the games.    The weather is going to be another challenge, but they’re already playing games in late November so maybe Jan and Feb will be OK.

        • #127684
          3 3


          I love how people like you think the vaccine is the cure-all for the Chinese Virus. Maybe it will work, but there are going to be other ramifications from getting the vaccine. If you’re not already aware, Bill Gates is the major power behind development of this vaccine, and if you don’t know what Bill Gates end goal is, then you’re going to find out soon. Don’t blindly take a vaccine when it comes out because you put your trust in the superior billionaires ruling above you. And just to be clear, I’m not anti-vax but the vaccine Gates and Fauci are collaborating on creating is something entirely different.

          • #127695
            2 2

            I’m one of the current 30,000 Phase 3 recipients for the Moderna vaccine. I’m a Type 1 diabetic but less than 50 years old. I’m putting my ass on the line right now in the name of science to shut people like you up.

    • #127660
      Tony (admin)


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