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PAC12 needs to immediately go after the top 4 teams in the Big12

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football PAC12 needs to immediately go after the top 4 teams in the Big12

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    • #169305

      I still believe 100% that the Pac12 is still vastly superior to the Big12 right now. Even without USC and UCLA, they’ll get more money next year when they renegotiate their tv deal. 

      If they band together and go after Texas Tech, Ok State, TCU and Baylor, they survive to fight another day, and they kill off the Big12 for good. If they wait around too long, I could see CU, Utah, ASU, and Arizona entertaining the idea of leaving and joining the Big12. 

      it’s going to be a crazy few weeks. 

    • #169308
      Extra Medium

      They need to go after 6 teams to be one of the 4 16 team conferences. Suck it up. Get BYU, Baylor, Oklahoma State, Texas Tech, TCU, and KU.

    • #169312

      Not sure why y’all think a PAC without a Southern California presence is better than the Big 12 that will have Texas, Florida, Ohio recruiting bases? Not to mention a central time zone base for TV time slots.

      You might not want to accept it, but this is the end for the Pac 12.

      • #169313

        Why would the Big 12 have Ohio recruiting bases or florida recruiting bases more than the Pac 12? they have no schools in those states.

        • #169316

          Cincy is in Ohio and UCF is in Florida… They’re joining the new big 12 

    • #169314

      P12 and B12 scrambling to add teams is nothing more than rearranging deck furniture on the Titanic.

      It’s all about contraction of the highest money generating programs/media markets sharing with only those that bring equal, more, or close to high level revenue. USC and UCLA win or lose are in one of the highest money generating media markets.

      Unfortunately for Utah Mark Harlan will be too busy eating lunch with the golf team to effectively represent Utah in this critical time. Interesting times ahead or college football.

      • #169320
        Extra Medium

        You completely right. This just sucks.

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