TCU @  Utah

Paging Only-U Kenobi

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    • #226854
      9 1

      Sooooooo, that game against Arizona sure sucked! But at least it seems like a good time for the bye. Hopefully Coach Ludwig watches film and relearns how to use Dijon. How to utilize Kuithe and others in the red zone. Like, be an OC with a 🧠. Feed Bernard.

      The time off will be good for guys to get healthy. We really miss Karene. Hoping he’s back for ASU. And finally, I won’t even ask about the 🖐 who shall not be named. And whether or not anyone actually has a clue whether the owner of said 🖐 will play Friday October 11th at ASU or ever again. Go Utes!

    • #226860
      D T

      Hopefully, at the very least, Reid/O’Toole are back next week.

      I suspect we really punish ASU like we did last year, with or without CR
..Taking out our disgust over losing a game on them
..That’s just my gut feeling.

      • #226861
        The Miami Ute

        I wouldn’t take ASU lightly, with or without the presence of Rising. Dillingham, who is an offensive savant, has them trending in the right direction and, as much as I hate to say it, I’d favor them over Utah if Rising can’t go. The Sun Devils are starting to remind me of how they played in Todd Graham’s best years and we all remember how much of a problem they were for Utah.

        • #226864
          Jim Vanderhoof

          I agree they will not be a push over. They want to kick us while we’re down. ASU might be favored if Rising is still out. Two weeks to get ready is a big advantage like AU had last week.

      • #226919

        And a lot of people suspected that we would trounce Arizona “cuz revenge.” Didn’t really work out.

    • #226865
      2 2

      Reality is if you review the film from the ‘Zona game, our youth on Defense got exploited big time. Out young DE, young LB’s and CB’s were often out of position and biting on misdirections or fakes.

      Our O, well let’s just say all of those calling for Isaac to start the rest of the year in front of Cam should now see why that isn’t the case. Isaak has quite a ways to go still. Will he get there, I believe so. But he currently rarely looks for the mid patterns. He looks deep first every time, then to his check off. He needs to learn to take what the D is giving him. Again, he’ll get there, but he’s not there.

      • #226866

        we don’t have young DEs playing

        and we don’t have young lbs.
        we do have a young secondary

        • #226883

          At DE Fano is who I was referring to and yes he is only a Sophomore. Watch the film and watch him over play and lose contain again and again.

          At LB we had Hall and Fotu, both Sophomores. Again, watch the film and you will see them bite on counters and play action a LOT.

          Not dishing these guys, just stating what you see when you watch the film. But go ahead and say we aren’t young if it makes you feel better..

      • #226868
        11 1

        The defense gave up 23 points. I have tried to forget the game but I think some of those came off of Turnovers made by the ass Utah offense. Stop trying to blame the defense. It does more than enough each game.

        Utah defense has played as a team the best all season. I will defend them. I won’t defend the dogs**t predictable asinine offense though.

        • #226874

          We’ve regressed since last year, more of a rebuild than a reload with Wilson.. cam comes back , you’ll see a different team. He’s always been the X factor

          • #226876

            What’s regressed?

            The only complaint I had on the defense against AZ was a few, too many run breakdowns.

            If you look at the yards, it was about even. The difference was Fifita making a few more big plays at big times. Which during the game, I blamed the Dline, but after reflecting, I think it was again Fifita extending plays with his legs and avoiding the pressure.

            • #226878

              Is this years defense better than lasts years? At this point no .. and the offense, well it’s the same whether Wilson or barns is running it, only cause Wilson is a freshman. Defense got burned by barns on quite a few plays during the Utah state game, then almost lost the game for us vs okst. Then the Arizona debacle. Even with that said, defense is the least of this teams concerns going forward . If cam doesn’t return we end up with the same record as last year

        • #226884

          I’m not blaming anyone. Simply sharing what you see when you watch the film. The O sucked and I’ve been accusing Lud for years of being too predictable and not putting his players in a position to win. I’m not going to write a damn novel everytime I make a point to cover every possible thing.

    • #226894

    • #226916

      Because the calls to go for it and leave 9 points on the field were Ludwig’s? Those were bad decisions and absolute morale killers on the road. Whitt holds WAY more of the blame for that loss than the OC trying to call a game with a TF QB with a limited grasp of the playbook and pretty terrible decision making and worse execution at times.

    • #226934

      Blaming the defense when it gives up 23 points is laughable.

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