Password "remember me" issues

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    • #45606

      Tony, I have tried everything to get my systems to remember the password on this site.
      I use Chrome on all my machines, and I have repeatedly completely cleared history and caches, destroyed all cookies, removed all remembered passwords. I’ve even done it on computers where I wasn’t logged into my Google account to ensure that nothing cloud-transferred over.
      What ended up being the final method for making things work? I’ve tried everything I’ve read (I think) and am still having no luck.

    • #45610

      Off topic …

      Congrats on the great season by your Baby Bombers!

    • #45629
      Tony (admin)

      Sounds like you may have accidentlly clicked the “don’t remember” or “never” thing at some point.  This is the only case of something like this I’ve heard of.

      • #45814

        But that shouldn’t apply, because what’s in question here is whether or not Utehub is correctly keeping a cookie in place to remember my login information. Correct?

        It’s making me re-log in every time, even when on Utehub I say “Remember Me”.

        The question isn’t whether the BROWSER remembers my login information, but whether Utehub has been instructed to remember me, and stores that in a browser Cookie.


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