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People I would love to never ever see again in my entire life

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Basketball (Men) People I would love to never ever see again in my entire life

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    • #121785
      1 4

      Riley Battin, Jaxon Brenchley, and most of all Larry Krysturnoveriak

      Gach is pretty terrible, but at least he has the potential to be a difference maker. He should be the microwave guy off the bench. He’s very talented, but he needs to learn how to actually play basketball.

      Battin has steadily regressed since last year. He’s statistically invisible most games, if he continues to regress he might actually become invisible next year.

      Brenchley… WTF does he even do? He’s a below average defender, a below average shooter, misses crucial freethrows, can’t attack the rim. Absolutely no reason for someone like him to be on our basketball team.

      Plummer is a terrible defender but at least he shoots when he is open… and he makes the shots. Battin and Brenchley don’t even bother to shoot when they are open. It’s like they know they’ll just miss, so they don’t bother.

    • #121787

      Gach is gone. He feels so much like Tillman to me it’s scary. Hope Battlin is gone. Sad, you can tell the kid wants to be here. But, he isn’t a pac-12 player and does nothing well. Hope Brenchley is back.

    • #121789

      What makes you hope for Brenchley to return? Has he done anything positive all year? He’s a complete non factor. We’ve got 3 guys coming in that play his position, and they are all better than him.

    • #121792
      2 2

      Battin, Brenchley, and Van Komen will all be back next year.

      Larry loves slow unathletic white guys who are smart and try hard

      • #121799
        2 4

        Why does this site facilitate subtle racism?

        • #121800
          Tony (admin)

          This site? Wtf.

          • #121802
            1 2

            Perhaps i shouldn’t have said this site because I didn’t mean to call out the administration at all, I really appreciate you and this site. I should have said why does this community let it slide? I’m not judging anybody, I’m genuinely curious why it seems to be acceptable here.

            edit: I should add, I ask this question because I have a very poor sense of social manners and it confuses me as to what is or isn’t ok when it comes to racism. I just want to fit in and be respectful but the mixed message it sends is confusing to me.

            • #121804

              What racism? Where? How?

              • #121812
                2 1

                Really? Slow, unathletic white guys is a common theme in basketball discussions here.  Slow and unathletic are bad traits for basketball success but including the players skin tone in the critique is irrelevent and is only used to paint a picture of a common stereotype towards white players.  I could criticise a player for being dumb and lacking composure but it’s obviously unacceptable to say dumb black players that lack composure.  I’m not offended but I can’t understand why the double standard is accepted here.

                • #121863

                  He is not wrong. The hue of one’s skin is irrelevant, yet it is often referenced as if it is (throughout USA society). On this website, I have seen Pace sometimes reference white and mormon in his posts on unacceptable football recruits. Again, those characteristics have no bearing on athletic ability. Players are skilled or they are not. It does not matter what they look like.

    • #121793

      Solid glue guy. You need 1/2 of those on the team. With all the hyped frosh coming in plus ALLEN who always shoots and plummer who should shoot. Brenchley is a good glue guy who I thin can become a better defender.

    • #121794
      1 1

      haha… Jantunen is a glue guy. Jones is a glue guy. Brenchley is not a glue guy, he’s a “looks like he’s doing stuff but isn’t actually doing anyting” guy.

      Glue guys dive for loose balls, give up their bodies, and don’t make stupid choices when the game is on the line. Brenchley doesn’t make stupid choices, he doesn’t make choices at all. He’s just there.

      glue guy =/= mediocre/bad at everything guy.

    • #121806

      Can’t argue with those three names.  But Krysco will be back due to the class he’s got coming in.  He shouldn’t be back at all, but will be.  The end of this game is just a sample.  2 of our last three posessions, we run the clock down and Both and Battin try a desperate drive that wasn’t there.  Then 1.9 seconds left and we hurry and inbound to dribble it off our foot, all with a time out left on the board.  Not good on the BB IQ scale.

    • #121807

      Why is what I said racist? Did I say Larry hates black players?

      I think Larry has a soft spot in his heart for players that remind him of himself.

      Larry was not the most athletic but he was smart and he gave 110% everyday. Oh and Larry is white not racism just a fact.

      Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the fact that of all the transfers Larry has had just since 2017 which is 16 I think only 3 were not black and is not being used against him in negative recruiting. Now it looks more and more Gach and Plummer will be on that list as well.

      • #121813

        I don’t know if you meant it or not but the line “slow unathletic white guys who are smart and try hard” perpetuates the stereotype that all whites are slow, smart and hard workers and that all blacks are all athletic, stupid and lazy.

        Also since 2017 these black players transferred out the program:  Kolbe Coldwell, Donnie Tillman, Chris Seeley, Christian Popolla, Vante Hendrix, Naseem Gaskin, Charles Jones.

        Also since 2017 these white players transferred out of the program:  Kevin Kremer, Brandon Morley, Jayce Johnson, Jake Connor, Nate Duda, Jokub Jokl.

        I don’t think the facts support the conclusion that Larry likes white players more than players of color.

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