The more I think about it…If it is truly a close competition then maybe give them each a half against N Dakota. It might be a little risky from a momentum standpoint, but throw them in against live bullets against a respectable (but lower division) opponent and see who shines. Perform in front of a packed house…lets see who takes the job under pressure.
Troy Williams wasn’t dogs**t last year…wasn’t lights out either. Above average is what I’d say. I have to expect that’s he’s improved this year over last so if Huntley wins the job I think we’re in a good spot either way.
That said, like Utah mentined below I’d bet on Troy at this point based on experience – playing at BYU, at AZ, at SC, at Ore, at Wash…it just makes me feel better thinking about having a Senior starter on the road that’s been through some of it. If it’s Huntley it’s gonna be a little nerve racking until I see what we’ve got.
The other thing to consider is the depth of the O-line. We are very good with our starting 5 but really only go 7 deep. Both Senior TE’s are already knicked (not sure how bad or how long). If we get banged up at all up front then “escapability” becomes huge. Huntley has that penchant for making something out of nothing. Troy didn’t show much of that last year…granted with an MCL for most of the year. If we have a concern about the O-line then Huntley might be the guy.