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Please do not let this site become another UteFans

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    • #102611
      41 6

      I have said it before and I will say it again, let’s not let this site become another UteFans.  I was on that site for over 20 years until it became a site for Ute fans to bitch about religion, politics and anything else they felt angry about.

      The posts below indicate that we may be heading the way of UteFans.

      There are many Mormon Ute fans as well as Catholics, Jews, atheists, etc.  Why does someone’s religious beliefs matter on this site???

      There are democrat Utes as well as republican Utes.  Who cares!!!

      There are gay Utes and there are straight Utes.  I couldn’t care less.

      There are probably some Trump supporter Utes and those who are Bernie Sanders supporters.  Why does it matter?

      First of all, I have never understood why people want to call out the beliefs and feelings of others.  You have never walked in their shoes and cannot understand why the feel what they feel.  It seems a bit arrogant to tell people they should feel differently than they do.

      If you feel a need to attack fellow Utes for their beliefs – go to the site that does that well, UteFans.

      Let’s please keep this site for discussing subjects like: should we pass more, recruiting, blitz packages, …

      Let’s please keep this site a site to discuss Utah sports.

      Go Utes!!!


    • #102613

      Agree – and thank you for your post. I left ute fans for the same reason. However, I don’t feel like my post was an attack at the LDS faith as I was simply stating we should make the same shirts they have made. That being said, I am done posting about the TDS until we play them next season.

      • #102617

        I really don’t care about T-shirts like the one you proposed.  It was meant to be funny.  However, it did spawn a lot of other posts.  Not your fault.

    • #102614

      Hi Proud, I’m assuming you might be responding to my post in the thread below, among other things. Fwiw, I opposed the tithing tshirt idea, and explained why. It’s unconstructive. Personally I agree with sticking to sports and happy to support that. Go Utes.

    • #102627
      Tony (admin)

      It won’t.

    • #102633

      We need to keep this in mind:

      That family you’ve sat next to at the games for years, they may have different political views than you do.

      That fan behind you that you share a high-five every Ute TD, they have different belief system than you do.

      The fan in front of you that you’re always sharing thougts about the Utes in the NFL, they may have completely different viewpoint on gun control than you do.

      But what they all have in common with you is they are UTAH FANS.  

      I don’t talk about politics or religion at a football game and avoid doing so on these boards.   MANY other places I can talk about those issues.




    • #102638

      Yep, let’s keep it football & Ute sports related. If we bring politics, religion, etc. into this board, it will fail, IMHO.

    • #102640
      3 18

      These posts bother me. A lot. Here is why:

      Duhwayne made a response in a post below. Some asked him about it. He clarified with a factual statement. 

      YOU have turned into a big issue. Had YOU ignored the comment and posted a new topic on Utah football, it would have been buried quickly and forgotten. But YOU have turned it into an issue. 

      What is it with mormons and being afraid of the TRUTH of their ideas? Why is it, whenever someone posts something FACTUAL about your church, you guys bring out the pitchforks and do your best to suppress the TRUTH? 

      Why is it in mormonism, “the first rule of mormonism is don’t talk about mormonism”? 

      Blows my mind. I served a mission for two years. I knocked on people’s doors at night, I interrupted their dinners, their lunches, their dates, their time out with friends and family. 

      Not once did I get a mormon to come up to me and say, “hey, maybe you shouldn’t knock on doors after six pm. Today is Labor Day, let people have an enjoybale day off. They don’t get many of those.”

      Nope, that was all ok. But when Duhwayne makes a statement of truth about BYU and tithing, it’s all “SILENCE HIM!!!!”? 

      It blows my mind. Look, you believe in some pretty weird s**t. No one denies that. BUT, those are your beliefs. If you believe they are true, OWN THEM. Quit trying to silence everything YOU DO that YOU DON’T LIKE. 

      It’s BS. It’s childish. It’s ridiculous. Don’t get angry and whining and all persecuted when you get a truth that you don’t like tossed back at you. If you don’t like how the church used their tithing money, say something to THEM about it. Force them to change. You will get excommunicated, but the good news is, a year or two later they will make the changes you were pushing for. 

      My advice? If you find the truths of your church to be damning, then do what you do in your everyday life: Ignore them. Then it doesn’t turn into a s**tshow like this thread has become. 

      • #102643
        19 1

        I don’t take issue with anything you said (or anything pro-LDS anyone else said). The question is, is this the right forum to say it?

        My vote is no to both.

      • #102644

        That escalated quickly.

      • #102658

        Never said not to talk religon, politics or anything else.  I really don’t care.  I am just saying this is not the site to do it.  There are plenty of sites where you can go to express your thoughts on these subjects that welcome your thoughts and ideas.  I do not promote my religious, political or other non sport subjects here.  

        Bytheway, You have NO idea what I feel about religion, politics or anything else.  You might be surprised!

        I just want a site to discuss Utah sports and I appreciate Tony for providing such a site.

      • #102662

        The irony of @Utah opening statements coupled with the rest of it hopefully are not lost on anyone.

        Good rant. Thumbs down for it though.  

      • #102699
        4 1

        Because you are the board bigot. You went away the entire off-season and it was great.

    • #102642

    • #102645

      I love this place, but don’t visit much during the off-season because there simply isn’t much Utah stuff to talk about. That’s not a knock on UteHub, just an observation.

      Since the season started, there has been almost zero political discussion at UFN. One single post (with one reply) in the last 20 pages.

      The off-season’s boring, yo.

      • #102650

        Yeah, once something is going on we all agree on (cheering for Ute teams to win), and topics about the Utes becomes the focus, the conversations on these boards get more civil and friendly.    Probably helps the situation at UFN a bit that this isn’t an election year of course.



      • #102664

        Almost zero? Like to see your measurement standards.

        • #102675

          Almost zero? Like to see your measurement standards.


          As I said, there’s a single political post in the last 20 pages, and that has a single reply.

    • #102649
      Tony (admin)

      Politics and religious discussion are not the only things different between the two sites. There are many differences. Keep it civil. There will be users and topics/replies that don’t jive with your opinions. Obey the site rules and use the ignore feature if there are users who bother you. It’s an open forum.

      • #102716
        3 8

        One of the big differences is at people rarely if ever talk s**t about Ute Hub. I get it that some people here don’t like and that’s ok. They shouldn’t pat themselves on the back about being so civil and respectful while at the same time going out of their way to bash something that’s easy enough for them to ignore because it’s causing them no harm.

        I enjoy both sites but the need here to bash creates a bit of an unwelcoming atmosphere. I also resent it because I know Ute Hub while being an impressive success on it’s own is somewhat of a spin off so it owes a small amount of grattitude to UFN. That’s not to say I don’t aknowledge Tony’s hard work because I do and it’s appreciated but you could do more to tip your hat to your forefather.

        • #102734
          Tony (admin)

          That is an interesting point, the need to bash UFN. There was a fair share of bad comments about Ute Hub over there when I was still frequenting the site. But that was over a year ago and I was made to feel unwelcome despite being active there. I’ve always tried to take the high ground when the topic comes up, though I probably failed here and there. I haven’t seen anything since and I’ve completely forgotten about UFN until it gets mentioned here. I’m too busy trying to move forward with this site and make it better to worry about it at this point.



        • #102782

          UteFans was great and I was contributor for over 20 years.  I also tried to help Chris out when he lost his job and became ill.  UteFans was a great site, but it has become a political site IMO.  I stopped posting and visiting about a year ago.  However, I still have fond memories of all the years I spent on the site.  My original post was just hoping that UH did not become a political sit like UF.  I still have friends who spend time on UF and is a fit for some, just not me.


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